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How to get "GETIN/OUT" to work properly?

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I've made a trigger with Condition:

this; myChopper distance getMarkerPos 'LZ'<300

and OnAct:

myChopper_pilot SideChat 'Landing'; hug (edit: should say myChopper -not hug) land "GETOUT";

It gets close to "LZ" (which is a Heliport marker, and the chopper is fully loaded btw) and then hovers above ground for half a second, lands on the ground and shuts down.

If I use GETIN (and an empty chopper), same thing happens.

MyChopper is a UH1-Y.

Edited by Rekrul

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You could try it with the correct quotation marks:

Trigger condition line: myChopper distance getMarkerPos "LZ" < 300

Trigger onActivation: pilot myChopper sideChat "Landing"; hug land "GETOUT";

And what is 'hug'? Normally it should say: myChopper land "GETOUT"

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uh, yeah thats the chopper name that I forgot to edit to MyChopper. :)

It doesn't work with " instead of ' either.

I started this in a script, but there it doesn't trigger at all so I made one in the editor. In the script I do several things but here's the trigger action:

	_retval=if (Hug_Cargo) then
	{	_hug_action='GETOUT'}
	{	_hug_action='GETIN'};
	_Hug_land=createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos];
	_Hug_land=setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
	_Hug_land=setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false];
	_Hug_land=setTriggerStatements ["this; hug distance getMarkerPos 'LZ_hug'<300", "hug_pilot SideChat 'Landing'; hug land _hug_action", "hint 'hmmmm'"];

Hug_cargo is a boolean I use to see if there are people on the chopper (drop off) or not (pick up).

Hug is the chopper, LZ_hug is the heliport marker for hug.

However, I don't get the sidechat at all so it doesn't trigger I think.

Edit: Here's the full script

hug land "NONE";
hug_pilot SideChat 'Copy. Mark on map.'; 
onMapSingleClick "
  deleteWaypoint [huginn,1];
  huginn addWaypoint [_pos,0];
  _ret=if (LZ_marker_hug < 1) then 
  {   LZ = createMarker ['LZ_hug', _pos]; 
       hint 'Huginn marker made';
       LZ_marker_hug = 1;
       'LZ_hug' setMarkerType 'Heliport'; 
       'LZ_hug' setMarkerColor 'ColorRed';
       'LZ_hug' setMarkerSize [1,1];
       'LZ_hug' setMarkerText 'Huginn'
  {   TitleText ['No Huginn marker made!/n','plain'];
       'LZ_hug' setMarkerPos _pos
  _offset=round(random 100);
  _x=_pos select 0;
  _y=_pos select 1;
  _z=_pos select 2;
  deleteWaypoint [spet1,1];
  spet1 addWaypoint [_x+offset, _y-offset];
  spet1 setCombatMode Red;
waitUntil {mapclick_hug>0}; 
onMapSingleClick "";
hug_pilot SideChat 'Copy location, Oscar Mike';
_retval=if (Hug_Cargo) then
  {   _hug_action='GETOUT'}
  {   _hug_action='GETIN'};
_Hug_land=createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos];
_Hug_land=setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
_Hug_land=setTriggerActivation ["NONE", "PRESENT", false];
_Hug_land=setTriggerStatements ["this; hug distance getMarkerPos 'LZ_hug'<300", "hug_pilot SideChat 'Landing'; hug land _hug_action'", "hint 'hmmmm'"];
titleText ['huginn.sqf is finished','plain'];

Edited by Rekrul

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Anyone have any suggestions why this happens? Do I need another waypoint after getin/getout so it doesn't make a complete stop?

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