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Red Devil 72

Crash on Receiving screen

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Hello ppl!

I have a problem which really pisses me off :mad:

It's really random but the game always crash on the receiving screen, at the beginning of a mission or when I die and want to respawn.

I can't even Ctrl+Alt+Del, the system is completely frozen, I have to reset it manually.

Game rig:

Q9650 @ 3.4GHz

4Gb DDR2


All of my drivers are up to date btw

I tried everything, changed games details, added -nosplash -cpuCount=4 -noCB -maxmem=2048 -winxp to arma2.exe, forced crossfire support but it still crash :/

Anyone having the same issue ?

PS: Also sometimes when I want to save my game manually, I go back to desktop, arma2.exe still runing but can't go back to the game, have to kill the proc and then relaunch it and of course the save didn't work :o

Thanks ahead for your help guys! :D

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Hi RD,

It's really random but the game always crash on the receiving screen, at the beginning of a mission or when I die and want to respawn.

Personally I have never experienced that issue but I have seen the "Receiving..." bug in MP many times and for me that happens when going from map view to 3D (or vice versa).

Is this problem you have only happening in MP or does it happen in SP as well?


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Thanks for answering me :)

Well I don't play MP yet, I'm actually playing the campaign, I guess if this happens in SP it will also happen in MP :/

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You're right :/

Et c'est peu de le dire en fait !

Bon courage pour la suite, un peu de patience, genre 15 patchs, et peut être, ça ne se produira plus.

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I've just spend a few hours OC'ing my cpu and tweaking settings in ArmA 2 to see what i could get from it.

Before OC'ing and changing video settings ArmA 2 ran fine and i rarely got CTD's, but after the changes i constantly got them and specially when dieing(similar to you). I was sure it was the OC that caused the CTD's so i changed it to stock speed but still got those CTD's.

Just now i found out that the "Video memory" setting was on default and that was what caused it!

I got a GTX 285 card with 1gb ram and when i set Video memory on high the CTD's go away.

Maybe it will work for you aswell, it's worth a try :)

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