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Spawn injured pilot at random crash site?

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Can any of you help me?

i have a mission where a US chopper flies over player controlled group towards town and gets shot down. Now Ive done all that bit fine but what I need is once the chopper crashes and explodes I want a pilot to be spawned as close to the crash site as possible without gettin injured by the explosions that follow after the chopper crash, and for him to be called jon and for him to be injured and need healing using the module by one of the player group. Is this possible? If so what would I put in the init line of a trigger that is set to go off once the chopper in down?

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Without testing or anything:

nul = [] spawn {
 sleep 5;
 "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createunit [[(getpos chopperName select 0) + 10,(getpos chopperName select 1) + 10,0],(createGroup WEST),"jon = this"];
 jon setdamage 0.6;

Change chopper name and adjust the damage amount and position change (+10). Someone smarter can tell us all how to sync First Aid module to him.

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nul = [] spawn {
 sleep 5;
 "USMC_Soldier_Pilot" createunit [[(getpos chopperName select 0) + 10,(getpos chopperName select 1) + 10,0],(createGroup WEST),"jon = this"];
 jon setdamage 0.6;
// first aid..
FAcenter = createCenter sideLogic;
FAgroup = createGroup FAcenter;
//for healing
faais = FAgroup createUnit ["AlternativeInjurySimulation", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""];
faais synchronizeObjectsAdd [jon, leader player];
//for dragging
fabc = FAgroup createUnit ["BattleFieldClearance", [0, 0, 0], [], 0, ""];
fabc synchronizeObjectsAdd [jon, leader player];


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