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Open parachute?

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I'm tired of doing the "SPLAT" against the rocks (if I only knew how to aim). Question: I'm a gunner in a mission and I get shot down and told to "eject" and sometimes I don't hit the enter button quick enough and I'm in the middle of the air with my gun in hand. How do I open chute? And, can I stear

safely to dry ground?

Question 2: Is their a description of the weapons used somewhere to explain what you should use for what? In the Cobra, are the 2 weapons only used for -air-to-ground? And the guns for enemy choppers? I don't know much about this and want to use the proper weapons to get the job done.

Thanks biggrin.gif

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for the first question, i'm fairly certain you have to be quick on the draw with that enter button. as a matter of fact, iv never left a vehicle in mid air without my chute opening, so being in mid air with your gun in hand sounds like a glitch.

second question. all attack choppers are armed with three weapons. A 30mm cannon, non guided arial rockets, and guided anti tank rockets. On the cobra, youve got your 30mm, your folding fin arial rockets, and your TOW missiles. Your 30mm cannon is good for light vehicles like trucks and cars, and is also good for taking down an enemy chopper. Your folding fin arial rockets can blanket an area pretty good, but they also do well with taking out tanks, and other armor. Your TOW missiles are your big bruisers. two of these is enough to take out a light tank, and two of these plus a little 30mm fire is enough to take out a t80 which is the strongest russian tank in the game.

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The best way to look at your weapons would be

30mm - Light cars and trucks, plus APC's

FFAR (rockets) - Infantry, you can blanket a squad and destroy it with 2 close hits. plus non-moving soft targets

Tow - Tanks and moving targets

Taking out a T80 can be dangerous with your cannon becuase it can fire back

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OK - Does anyone ever try to use FFARs on choppers?

Or do you mainly use the 30mm for anything in the air?

How about the M2A2 and the Vulcan. Is the M2A2 basically an anti aircraft vehicle? What should the Vulcan be mainly used for?

How about that new .50 cal addon rifle? It seems to act like any other rifle in the game, except the scope is much more powerful. I've tryed shooting at vehicles and choppers and doesn't do anything? Oh well. I've read the thread in the Addons forum on what it can and cannot do.

Any comments?

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You can use FFAR, but the AI can't really aim good on that and with the machine gun they aim perfect. But, FFAR is stronger for enemy choppers but you must put manual fire on. I did it a couple of times and it's pretty cool shooting down a chopper that way, but it is difficult sometimes.

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its mostlikely lag...if thats not it it does take a second to leave a gun for another command orrrrrrrrrrrr

it could be him leaving the machinegn, putting other gun in hand..and then opening chute, in which case your way too low as it is

but i dunno......as long as i got time to push enter im usually ok

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