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AI mark ground targets for human CAS chopper

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Is it possible to have an AI spotter or FAC mark targets so that while I am flying the UH-1Y I can see targets easier? At the moment I am flying around watching where tracer rounds are going and unleashing hydra there. Is there a more efficient method of providing support for AI ground troops?



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In a mission I made I stumbled across this on accident, I have a "playable" spotter (group leader) to whom I gave a laser designator up on a hill overlooking the action. When the AI was controlling him, he would always pull it out and laser targets as a default behavior. He was at a move waypoint that was synched so he was stuck there at about 500m away. I had removed his binoculars and added the laser designator. I believe the behavior of the group was set to alert, open fire (so snipers could fire from that position). If you had a few of those guys in the hills from different sides you might get a several targets lit up for you.

Good luck. I hope that helps.

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Thanks DeathCon, that does not seem to be working for me unfortunately. Anyone else got ideas please?

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I usually spawn a red smoke or (at night) red flare (or both) at the position of the enemy group's leader (group leader so there will always be one to spawn them at until the group is wiped out) You can tie it to a repeatable radio trigger, add some radio "chatter" to spice it up, etc...

If there's an addon that has invisible targets, you can setpos those as well (for bomb runs and such). I'm not aware of any for ARMA2, though. At least not yet, anyway.

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