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Experienced scripter needed!

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Iv seen some different artillery scripts, and i had an idea for one that would be more effective. It would use the laser guided bombs dropped from an A-10. Maybe three or four of them. I know almost nothing about scripts, but If there are any scripters out there that would like to give this a try, maybe you could drop me a line and get me started, or do it yourself or something.

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not hard.

got a old script with bomb droping...

will just have to replace it with LGB bomb at the call.

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sounds good to me. Are you going to just do that, or what?

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that would make for some big ass artillery rounds. Maybe to simulate naval gunfire. (will take out a whole grid sqaure) We don't have anything that big that is ground based, except for maybe a rail gun. I would personally like to see MLRS, heard some rumors about it and seen some screen shots of a good looking vehicle.

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well see, iv experimented with some other scripts that use tank shells, but there are too many explosions. Youd have to have automated artillery firing no stop for a few minutes to get these kind of effects. I'm just looking to come up with a script one way or another that will make for just a few really big blasts that would take out a whole base, or lots of enemy armor or something.

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Most of the arty scripts I've seen, I didn't like. I agree the volume of fire is unrealistic. The scripts that utilize tanks look good although the angle of incidence on the rounds is wat too acute, if you've seen a real barrage, which i have, both mortars and arty. The problem is that they fire until exhaustion, which takes too long. I saw one that allows you to actually bracket with spotting rounds and fire for effect, but it was too complicated to use, and wouldn't be very good if under fire. Since I'm no guru, all I can do is wait and hope for someone to make actual artillery pieces. Self propelled 105's would be nice.

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or 120mm towed

anyhoo, if anyone reads this, and can help me out, drop me a line.

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ok, i'll revise.

Does anyone have an artillery script where i can simply change the name of the weapon used?

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I have made plenty of artillery scripts in the past but for diffrent purposes, tell me what you need and I will be able to dig one up for you.

I mean like if you need a bombing of a target, or if you want to randomise the position etc or userplace artillery.


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i wouldnt mind seeing a script where those cessnas (if they are equipped with a machine gun which i have heard) strafe the ZONE in a tkoth match randomly around...that would be badass

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I was just thinking of a script where, instead of a bunch of tank rounds being used to simulate artillery on an area, myabe just 3 or 4 laserguided bombs be dropped there instead.

So pretty much what i'm looking for, is a script that simulates accurate bombing on an area that i can change so that it simply uses a different weapon.

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