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assignascargo ai won't get out? (MP only)

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This is odd, in preview and in SP all of my triggers and waypoints work fine but in MP the ai will board my helo at a "getin" waypoint but will not exit my helo at the getout waypoint.

I have a trigger at the getout wp with unitname leaveVehicle vehiclename but they will not get out unless I get out, then they bail out and take off to the waypoints.

I have tried using unassignVehicle leaveVehicle, but nothing works in MP?

the scenario is I grab an empty helo and go to an unmarked LZ (no waypoint) and pickup an ai fireteam (not assigned to me) and transport them to another unmarked LZ for them to insert but they refuse to get out in MP?

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ahh, locality strikes again..

The AI group isn't in your squad, so they arn't local to you.

Try adding and if isserver into your script. (ask if you don't know how)

That way the script runs on the server, which is likely where the AI squad is local.

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Sorry if you already read from here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor#Waypoints_Mode_.28F4.29

Get Out - The group will move to the waypoint, then disembark from any vehicles it's members are in. Helicopters will land on the closest "H pad" object within 500m of the waypoint. If any group members other than the leader are in a vehicle of another group, that vehicle will stop to let them out. If the leader is riding in another group's vehicle, the Get Out waypoint will not be considered reached until the leader arrives at it under his own control (ie, never). In this case a Transport Unload waypoint should be used. If the Get Out waypoint is placed on an object, the group will move to the location of that object at the instant the Get Out waypoint becomes it's current waypoint, then disembark as normal.

Transport Unload - The group will move to the waypoint (spatial or object), where any units from other groups who are in cargo spaces of the original group's vehicles will disembark. On a dedicated server, this waypoint does not work if the commander of the group being transported in the back of the vehicle is human. It will only work with A.I. One note, on a dedicated server when using this with A.I. controlled Helicopters. This command only works if there is an A.I. team commander present in the cargo of the vehicle. If there are only human players, the helicopter will not land. It will hover too high in the air to safely disembark.

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ahh, locality strikes again..

The AI group isn't in your squad, so they arn't local to you.

Try adding and if isserver into your script. (ask if you don't know how)

That way the script runs on the server, which is likely where the AI squad is local.

That might be the issue, I am not running any scripts for this, only trigger activation commands .....

---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 PM ----------

TCP I appreciate the detail of your answer, and maybe the get out waypoint needs to be on an object? right now I have it on a helo pad but not directly on the center of the pad.

I am not using ai controlled helos, the helos are piloted by players and the players are not grouped to the choppers nor are they grouped to the ai ...I am thinking that this may be part of the issue as the ai and the pilot and the helo are all independent, none are in a group together....

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I don't know if this would be helpful or how it affects their waypoints.

Heli Init Line:

_disembark = this addAction ["Disembark troops", "disembark.sqf", [], -1, false, true, "", "(((getPosATL _target) select 2) < 7) && (count (assignedCargo _target) > 0)"];


private "_heli";
_heli = _this select 0;
(units _heli) orderGetIn false;

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