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animation while turning

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I was wondering if i can make a animation, that's already setup, to work while turning... Then resetting to the original position when the vehicle drives straight

Edited by SWIFT88

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Huh? You didnt explain the request well. I assume you're meaning NOT steering animation, but one that move in only one direction even though the vehicle may be steering left or right.

If so, I'm thinking no, I'm thinking the only way to do that is via a loop script to monitor the steering and activate a User animation instead.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
I was wondering if i can make a animation, that's already setup, to work while turning... Then resetting to the original position when the vehicle drives straight

I assume this is for the Viking. It would have to be scripted but its possible but the trailer unit wouldnt follow the ground in the right way.

You are better off combing the anims with an attachto command based script. I have a concept in mind. I'll talk to UNN tomorrow and see if he can confirm it.

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