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jw custom

Spawned vehicle names into array

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I'm spawning a random number of random selected vehicles with this, no problems:

_NumOfVeh = ceil(random 5);

for [{ _loop1 = 0 },{ _loop1 < _NumOfVeh},{ _loop1 = _loop1 + 1}] do
_vehicle_types = ["BMP3","BTR90", "GAZ_Vodnik","GAZ_Vodnik_HMG", "2S6M_Tunguska", "BTR90_HQ"];

_vec_type = floor (random count _vehicle_types);

OpVeh = _vehicle_types select random _vec_type createVehicle (getMarkerPos "spwn1");

My question is how do i keep track of the spawned vehicles names so i can check if they are alive. The first vehicle is named OpVeh, but what about the next vehicle....is that named OpVeh_1??

My real question is how can i put the names into an array and check that array if all vehicle names in it are destroyed?

Help is really appreciated :D

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private ["_vehs","_a"];
_vehs = [];
_a = ["BMP3","BTR90", "GAZ_Vodnik","GAZ_Vodnik_HMG", "2S6M_Tunguska", "BTR90_HQ"];
for "_i" from 0 to (ceil(random 5)) do {
 _vehs set [_i, ((_a select floor(random(count _a))) createVehicle (getMarkerPos "spwn1"))];

Waiting for all to be dead:

waituntil {{alive _x} count _vehs < 1};
hint "all dead";

You can make _vehs a global var as well, if you want to check it outside the script.

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You can also use simple math with arrays:

OpVehArray = OpVehArray + [OpVeh];

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Thanks alot guys, really appreciated :cool:

I used Murklor suggestion with shk "waituntil {{alive _x} count _vehs < 1};" snippet and it works great :dancered:

Gotta love this community :thumb:

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