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objective problem

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Hi all

I duno what iam doin wrong but in the missions i make my objectives are always repeated so when i click on tasks in the mission theres always an etc copy of the task so instead of having a drop down menu of say 3 primary objectives and 1 secondary objective i have 6 primary objectives and 2 secondary objectives.

Its like my tasks makes a copy of it s self any ideas what i might be doin wrong.Also does it with notes as well so i have my note and a copy of my note again.


Edited by muttly

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I experienced something similar to that with the revive script, it executed the briefing script when one died and then the tasks was recreated but that was pretty simple to fix.

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Starting get annoyed now cant work out what iam doin wrong if i use a2b editor or briefing manager i get the above problem so i made my own briefing.sqf which looks like this

player createDiaryRecord ["Dairy, ["The Mission", "You have two primary objectives retrieve evidence of mass graves in the area,and rescue the hostages being held in the town of Strelka,be advised its best if you take out the AA radars first before moving in for the hostages other wise your in for long walk back to the green zone near base if 1 hostage dies then its mission FAILED!be prepered for heavy resistance"]];


tskobj_5 = player createSimpleTask ["Rescue"];

tskobj_5 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Rescue the hostages being held captive near the town of strelka", "Rescue", "Hostages"];

tsk0bj_5 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj_5");


tskobj_4 = player createSimpleTask ["Collect Evi1"];

tskobj_4 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Retreive the photos of the mass graves", "Collect Evi1", "evi1"];

tsk0bj_4 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj_4");


tskobj_3 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy Radar3"];

tskobj_3 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy the follwing radars to take out there air defences ", "Destroy Radar3", "Rad3"];

tsk0bj_3 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj_3");


tskobj_2 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy Radar2"];

tskobj_2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy the follwing radars to take out there air defences ", "Destroy Radar2", "Rad2"];

tsk0bj_2 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj_2");


tskobj_1 = player createSimpleTask ["Destroy Radar1"];

tskobj_1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy the follwing radars to take out there air defences ", "Destroy Radar1", "Rad1"];

tsk0bj_1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "obj_1");

// ---US SUPPORT SCRIPT-------------------------------------------------------------

if ( isNil{player getVariable "mk_killedEHadded"} ) then


player addEventHandler ["killed",


[] spawn {

waitUntil { alive player }; // waitUntil player has respawned

execVM "lkscripts\menu\close_menu.sqf";



player setVariable ["mk_killedEHadded", true];


// ---US SUPPORT SCRIPT------------------------------------------------------------

my init.sqf

execVM "briefing.sqf";

if(true) exitWith {};

// ---US SUPPORT SCRIPT-------------------------------------------------------------

setPitchBank = compile preprocessfile "lkscripts\tomahawk\setPitchBank.sqf";

player execVM "lkscripts\Dscripts\respawn_player.sqf"; // infinite loop, controls respawning

//player addeventhandler ["Killed", {_this execVM "lkscripts\Dscripts\respawn_player.sqf"}]; // would rather use event handler

if ( (!isServer) && (player != player) ) then


waitUntil {player == player};

waitUntil {time > 10};


if !(isnull player) then {

null = [] execvm "briefing.sqf";

if (playerSide == west) then {null = [] execVM "lkscripts\menu\close_menu.sqf"};


// ---US SUPPORT SCRIPT-------------------------------------------------------------

my description.ext

// Mission Header

class Header


gameType = Coop;

minPlayers = 1;

maxPlayers = 4;


onLoadMission = "US Support";

OnLoadMissionTime = FALSE;

respawn = "BASE";

respawndelay = 10;

disabledAI = 0;

showCompass = 1;

showGPS = 1;

showWatch = 1;

//---------------------US SUPPORT SCRIPT--------------------------------

RespawnDialog = false;

#include "lkscripts\Dialogs\Common\DialogColorConstants.hpp"

#include "lkscripts\Dialogs\DialogColorScheme.hpp"

#include "lkscripts\Dialogs\Common\DialogControlClasses.hpp"

#include "lkscripts\Dialogs\Respawn_Dialog.hpp"

// Tomahawk sounds

class CfgSounds


// List of sounds (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)

sounds[] = {Explo_Large, incoming, Rocket_Away};

// Definition for each sound

class Explo_Large


name = "Explo_Large"; // Name for mission editor

sound[] = {\lkscripts\sound\Explo_Large.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

titles[] = {0, ""};


class incoming


name = "incoming"; // Name for mission editor

sound[] = {\lkscripts\sound\incoming.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

titles[] = {0, ""};


class Rocket_Away


name = "Rocket_Away"; // Name for mission editor

sound[] = {\lkscripts\sound\Rocket_Away.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};

titles[] = {0, ""};



//--------------------US SUPPORT SCRIPT--------------------------------

know the briefing wont even load:( what iam doin wrong

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In the Diary record you have this:

player createDiaryRecord ["Dairy, ["The Mission", ....

Your missing a " at the end of the word Diary. I would check the rest of the stuff for missing syntax as well mate.

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Cheers Dale gone back using briefing manger now but still have same problem as 1st post quess ill have to watch them youtube tutorails again just play about with 2 objectives or some thing:rolleyes:

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What's the contents of lkscripts\Dscripts\respawn_player.sqf? If that's rerunning briefing.sqf, as was required pre 1.03, that would explain your doubled up notes/objectives.

Make sure you're using the latest versions of all these scripts and not older ones that might have extra workarounds that aren't needed anymore.

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hi ky

// Desc: A respawn control script

for [{}, {true}, {true}] do


//waitUntil { !(alive player) };

while { alive player } do { sleep 1.0 };

nul=[] execVM "lkscripts\Dialogs\Respawn_Dialog.sqf";

// wait for respawn countdown to finish and for the selection to be made from the dialog

// (Upon auto respawning after countdown, you will respawn at "RespawnWest" marker.)

//waitUntil { alive player && !dialog };

while { !alive player || dialog } do { sleep 1.0 };

// player spawned at "RespawnWest" marker initially, so move him to final selected spawn location

player setPos getMarkerPos RespawnLocation;


hmm thats the player respawn script in Dscripts thats the only sqf in the folder dont see saying any thing about briefing thow ill download lastest version thow and give that ashot cheers kylania

edit: I see what you mean now iam exec briefing twice in the init.sqf the US support script does it for me already

Edited by muttly

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