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Car crashes...

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I noticed one thing the other day: on version 1.42-1.46 (I have no idea for earlier releases) cars, jeeps and uaz's don't collide no more.

I mean if u drive an hmmv, a tank or a truck into a car, or a jeep/uaz, the collision system works properly. But if you have a car crash between a jeep and a car the two vehicles will just pass trhough one another. They'll receive damage the same, but this way it's possible to pass trough a roadblock witouth beeing stopped by any collision. Quite bad I think.

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Ok thx but I'd like to hear more impressions and opinions about it and I'd like to keep the topic alive as soon as Suma is gonna be back

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I tried that with V1.46 using two sports cars in the Mission Editor, and collisions worked as expected.

Has anyone been able to reproduce this problem? Breaker, what addons, if any, do you have on your system?

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I think it has been like that ever since v1.0, if you drive to another object in a very fast speed (and if the object is coming at you at high speed too) you go right through it. Especially in multiplayer.

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Ok thx for the replies, I have winter kolgujev addon, maf addons and dynamic audio etc etc...

but i tried also after i disinstalled them... maybe my config is just too much messed up... I'll try to reinstall all the thing

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