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Very annoying bug in Combat Scenario.

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Among many other bugs, this one is most annoying.

Two enemy APCs and a whole bunch of foot soldiers are in front of my objective. I decide to wait for them to leave.

I give the order to the squad to hit the dirt and hold fire.

Stupid DMR marksman decides to go to crouch. I switch to his view and make him go prone, switch back to the leader. The marksman gets up again.

So I try a number of things, giving different commands, switching to his view etc.

Eventually, while I am in the marksman's view, the AI of the leader decides to open fire.


1) Why doesn't the stupid marksman stay prone?

2) Why does the leader decide to ignore his own command to hold fire?

3) Isn't this the most annoying bug in Scenarios?

This has happened a number of times.

Any ideas on how to fix this issue are greatly appreciated.

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1) when close to some kind of objects (small walls, some trees,...) prone AI units switch sometimes their stance automatically to crouch. They probably "think" they are concealed.

2) "Hold fire" tell units not to fire UNLESS detected. It seems sometimes your AI leader "thinks" he has been detected.

3) Yes these are annoying problems.

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Leader AI is always flaky, never switch and always be the leader.

I would suggest moving slightly as a team leader, or ordering the team to move slightly, or the individual soldier in question, place him exactly where you want him then as he moves he will become prone (kind of forcing him to move to realise to hit the floor).

Hold fire as fabrizio points out is only "unless" so its more of a gamble the closer you are to the enemy that "might" detect you.

Another side solution is to make sure you have a decent enough sized team but not large enough to have to baby sit many of them. I like small 4-6 man teams myself, but it does depend on the mission I guess.

I play with heavy use of "Stay crouched" I really like the new way they scoot while crouched so they can still move pretty fast while keeping low. But going prone can sometimes have a man not hitting the floor becuase he stopped or was waiting, as I say to force it .. nudge them a bit to move then they will go down.

Edited by mrcash2009

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