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For some reason I can put waypoints on people but can't on vehicles. Is this a bug or is it something Im doing wrong?

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Are the vehicles that you are trying to put waypoints on empty? If so, of course it will not work. If you make it so that AI troops get in the vehicle, they will drive it along the waypoints that they are assigned. To make AI troops get into a vehicle place a waypoint over the vehcle and select the "get in" parameter.

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Not even with an AI in the vehicle. Its as if my editor has a bug.I even checked with a friend and under the exact same parameters he can place the waypoint on the vehicle but I cant.

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What version of OFP are you running, and in what country? You might have to shitcan it and re-install.

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Just to make sure,

do you highlight the vehicle, before placing the waypoints?

You need to click once on a unit, before you can place waypoints for it.

Sorry, if you already knew that.

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