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Cover team helicopter rescue - Is this possible?

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Sorry if this has been covered before, but I couldn't find the right topic to answer my query.

What I would like to know, is a way for a helicopter to pick you up, load out a covering team, await while you get in, team gets back in chopper and off you go.

For those that have played the Sniper and Defend Village SP missions on COD4, you'll understand where I get this idea :)


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This is actually an idea I had about making for the ending of one of my own missions... then I just went with a chopper chase. Be interesting to see someone getting this to work.

If it's any help, here's how I would probably try going about it:

1) Wait until chopper lands

2) unassignVehicle Unload "cover team"

3) doMove & setDir Set team's positions where you want them to go relative to the chopper (don't use pre-defined markers, as the chopper wont always land in the same place).

4) setUnitPos Set their stance to kneel

5) Wait until player('s team) is onboard

6) Load cover team back in

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well, we need two versions of this. on that can be executed by the pilot, via actionmenu, und the other can be startet by a script in de init of a waypoint or a trigger...

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Thanks for your help fellas!

if any you come up with anything, give us a shout! Cheers.

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I absolutely hate AI and their stupid formations. Here's a rough draft of this concept. Works if the AI are just standing around already in their stupid formation. But once you add in the landing of the helicopter and getting out and fighting against them trying to get back into their stupid formation then timing issues between the leader getting into his spot before everyone else has started to move.. well. I hate AI and their stupid formations.

// Eventually these would be replaced by script arguments instead of hard coded.
_grp = units SecureTeam;
_helo = heli;

// Make the helo land
_helo LAND "LAND";
waitUntil {(getPosATL _helo select 2) < 2};
_target_pos = getPos _helo;

helipad = "HeliH" createVehicle _target_pos;
helipad setPos _target_pos;

_ang = 0;
_rad = 20; //radius
bcount = 6; //number of units
_inc = 360/bcount;

{unassignVehicle _x;} forEach _grp;
waitUntil{ {alive _x && (_x in crew _helo)} count (_grp) <= 0 };
hint "all out";

// Attempt to make these morons stop getting into formation
sleep 1;
{doStop _x;} forEach _grp;

// The below works beautifully if they are already on the ground.
for "_x" from 0 to bcount do
_a = (_target_pos select 0)+(sin(_ang)*_rad);
_b = (_target_pos select 1)+(cos(_ang)*_rad);

_pos = [_a,_b,_target_pos select 2];
_unit = _grp select _x;

[_unit, _pos, _ang] spawn {
_u = _this select 0;
_p = _this select 1;
_a = _this select 2;
_u doMove _p;
waituntil{getPos _u distance _p < 2};
_u setDir _a;
_u setPos getPos _u;
_u setUnitPos "MIDDLE";
doStop _u;
_ang = _ang + _inc;


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I absolutely hate AI and their stupid formations.

Well there is one suggestion I would make then: dont use more than one AI. Have say 3 groups, 1 unit in each, they jump out and cover the helo independantly. You use 6 units, but I really dont see the point in terms of achieving the desired effect. Even 2 units jumping out and covering you should be enough.

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Can't really have effective 360 degree security with just 2 guys. :) The point of this is to simulate a squad disembarking to cover while another squad loads up.


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