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How do i make a unit sentry

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If i want to make a unit walk back and forth continuously how do i do it?

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1) place a unit

2) set 2 waypoints, type: move, and a waypoint, type: cycle

close to the 1st waypoint of the unit

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Create an infantry unit. Select it, then switch to the waypoint tool. Create a MOVE waypoint where you want the end of his "beat" to be. Select his combat mode to be "safe" and have him "open fire, engage at will." Set his speed to limited.

Create a CYCLE waypoint where you want the other enf of his beat to be. Leave everything else unchanged.

The unit will, with his rifle on his shoulder, pace slowly back and forth between the two waypoints, and engage targets he sees.

For a more complex sentry, add additional MOVE waypoints before the CYCLE, to have him walk around an airplane hangar. for example.

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