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Few questions

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Hello, people,

I recently started creating missions in Flashpoint. However, I ran into some problems, which I can't find answer for. Hope someone can spend a few minutes to help me sort out the thing.

How I can change unit's type during the mission? For example, I want to control the civilian, until some kind of triger is activated, and then the civilian becomes a soldier. In other words, change control of a unit. If that is not possible, then how I can switch control from one unit to another (this would be a workaround). Or some other methods?

How I can clear the weapons unit has in the mission start? command clearweaponcargo doesn't work.

Thank you :)

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Changing the appearance of an unit is kinda impossible in the OFP engine. There's pretty much only one way to do that and that would be to make a new addOn with the ability to change the unit's textures with setObjectTexture command. That alone limits your abilities some bit too, since only the textures would be changed, not the model. There's also a slight flaw with the command: After loading a saved game with the command already performed in the last game before the save, the unit's appearance would be again the same as before. There's really no way to check if the game has been loaded from a saved game either, so you wouldn't be able to change the player back to the "new appearance". The most reliable way would be to cut the mission into parts - When you want the player to control another unit, just end the mission and move on to a next one where he's a different one.

clearWeaponCargo command is for vehicles. Use removeAllWeapons instead.

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thank you for such quick reply. But isn't it possible to change the unit player is controlling? For example, there are two different soldiers, one is player, another is AI controlled, and with a triger, change player to control that another soldier, instead of changing appearance?

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No, I'm afraid it isn't. :( They added a new command in ArmA though which makes it possible, but not in OFP. BIS should just release a final update to OFP which would add all those fancy new commands from ArmA and maybe some little engine updates too. :mad:

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That's very sad... ruined the idea of my mission. Thanks for the help, however.

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You shouldn't give up so easily though. As I said, you could cut the mission into parts and make a mini campaign instead, unless that would cause any problems - I'm not sure, since I don't know what's your idea for the mission.

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Well, that definately would cause problems, because I couldn't transfer all the information from the first mission to the another, such as number of enemy troops remaining, their positions, etc.

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Well, that definately would cause problems, because I couldn't transfer all the information from the first mission to the another, such as number of enemy troops remaining, their positions, etc.

As Rellikki said, you can't do that in OFP. One good thing about Arma is it took the scale of the battle to a bigger level. And the first thing they used to achieve that was the Teamswitch feature.

Maybe you can change your approach a little bit, and use some command system that allows you to fine control other teams in the mission. I've use them in the past and it felt almost like teamswitching. I was looking for a link to Spinor's Command Engine Lite, but they're all down, so if you're interested I could send you a copy.

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I'm making a campaign right now and I run into the same problem. If u don't care about the appearance, and only want the enemy side to see your unit as hostile, keep reading.

What I did was create a new addon which added a soldier with civ clothes in the West side. I then use RemoveAllWeapons and SetCaptive commands in triggers. What this does is it let's you walk around the enemy as a civy and revert to your "original" side (west in my case) with the use of a simple trigger. This does not help if you want to change the model of the unit, i.e. civilian to soldier with uniform or pilot etc...

The addon is very easy to make. All you need to do is create a config.cpp, add a unit to west side and change the model field. Not much else required. You can use BIS models and configs for that, or just about any other addon out there. I think there are also some addons out there that add civies to west or east, but I'm not certain...

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Well, that definately would cause problems, because I couldn't transfer all the information from the first mission to the another, such as number of enemy troops remaining, their positions, etc.

In an OFP campaign you can transfer some informations between mission with SaveVar, SaveStatus and LoadStatus in that page, and the weapon pool that BIS used in Resistance to save your captured weapons from missions to missions (i have never used the weapon pool myself so can't help there).

A quick example of a SaveStatus and LoadStatus to transfer the information on units being dead or alive from missions to missions with this "campaign", download it in one of those mirrors :






Extract the file "simplesavestatus.pbo" from the downloaded "examplestatus.rar"

Put the file "simplesavestatus.pbo" in your ...\Operation Flashpoint\Campaigns\

folder, then launch OFP, in the campaign menu select the "Simple SaveStatus example" campaign and start it.

In desert island you are facing several soldiers

Kill some of them and use the radio alpha (or 0-0-1 ) to end the mission.

It will save the status of every of those soldiers.

once the 2nd mission of the campaign is loaded, you are on Everon, facing the same soldiers.

Use the radio alpha or 0-0-1 it will load the status of each of those soldiers that have been saved in mission 1. So some of them will fall dead directly, the ones you actually killed in mission 1.

You can now quit the mission, there is nothing more going on after that.

Unpbo the file "simplesavestatus.pbo" to see how this is done very simply.

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