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Looking for a server donation(GREAT CAUSE)

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Im tryna start a addon pub for the community but obviously I need a server so I wanted to see since there are lots of inactive servers out there would anyone donate one for the cause.My plan is to add the new panthera map make some pvp missions for it get some great vehicles,weapons and etc addons and release them all in one pack for those interested in joining the server. The server title will be called "The Addon Server" but to prevent hackers you only can have a the allowed addons on the server and will be updated weekly as new addons are released and added.

I am creating this because people put the hard work into good addons and then no one uses them in multiplayer. Hopefully I can change that:D

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i would if i had the extra funds thats why im asking there are tons of empty servers out there

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I doubt someone will give you their server and pay for it, it's really not that expensive to rent a server.

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