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Vehicle + Camera + Bulldozer control

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How do i put a cam onto a vehicle (so that the cam follows the vehicle) and can still use the bulldozer controls to look around.

I ve searched now for about some hours to solve this problem, but i haven't found any solution. :o

I know i did this when i made movies with Arma 1, but somehow i forgot (and lost my mission folder from Arma1). Is there a special Mod?

So far i ve used a camera script from NORRN. Its helpful, but the ability to look around is not there.

I know its possible,i ve seen it in a lots of Arma 2 videos on Youtube, so there must be a way. Thanks in advance!

Btw. Here is a link to my last Arma 2 movie. Be so kind and drop a comment if you watch it.

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Wow, way cool video. What's the music?

I have no idea how to do what you're asking, but we'd like to do it too, so hopefully someone can respond with more than fanboiism :)

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... i am at the moment thinking about my next ArmA2 movie. Your praising motivates me.

Music is Swallow the Sun: the morning never came.

Edited by Ryo.Massaki

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Try this out... I was tinkering with one of the tomahawk scripts out there, adding a Slim Pickins view. :)

_veh = _this select 0;

_camera = "camera" camCreate (position _veh);
_camera cameraEffect ["external","back"];
_camera camSetTarget [(position _veh select 0) + (sin (getdir _veh)*90000),(position _veh select 1) + (cos (getdir _veh)*90000),-90000];
_camera camSetPos [(position _veh select 0),(position _veh select 1), (position _veh select 2) + 5] ;
_camera camCommitPrepared 0;
showCinemaBorder false;

[_veh,_camera] spawn {
_veh = _this select 0;
_camera = _this select 1;

while {camCommitted _camera && ((damage _veh) < 0.8) 
} do {
_camera camCommand "Manual Off";
_camera camPreparePos [(position _veh select 0),(position _veh select 1), (position _veh select 2) + 5] ;
_camera camPrepareFocus [-1,-1];
_camera camCommitPrepared 0;
_camera camCommand "Manual On";
sleep 0.01;
player cameraEffect ["TERMINATE", "BACK"];
camDestroy _camera;

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