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BinPBO strange commandline results

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Guess I'm overlooking something.

Can someone explain me what I'm missing when I use the following batchfile to pbo.

1) I use the latest binpbo tool from BIS

2) I'm on WinXP 32bit

3) I use it on arma1

e:\Games\BinPBO\Binpbo.exe e:\Games\ArmA1\arma1-i44sounds\AddOns\i44sounds e:\Games\ArmA1\arma1-i44sounds\AddOns -PACK

Endresult: a pbo-file which is only 11Mb in size.

When I use the right-mouse-button over the i44sounds directory the resulting pbo is 23Mb, like it should be.

Is there a difference between the commandline binpbo-ing and the windows-binpbo-ing ?

What am I overlooking or is the commandline binpbo-ing bugged ?

Thanks, Monk.

Edited by Monkwarrior

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The source might have been compressed or not all files are inside.

Just extract it via cpbo/extractPbo, and compare the source vs unpacked (windiff).

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Thanks, think I got it covered.

Might have been a failed test.

The 23Mb file contains SVN-files too ;)


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