zachhox 10 Posted October 20, 2009 Yes the pilot was a lucky guess. :D But try putting this "\bwc_pilots\data\helipilot_co.paa" as a last try or just put the regular one "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa" and as its icon it just looks like a regular pilot. I forgot to add the "\" at the beginning. "BWC_SADF", Put that in the mission.sqm just as the others. Than scroll down and you will find the first slot, WestSlot1. items=1; class Item0 { side="WEST"; class Vehicles { items=1; class Item0 { position[]={5427.843262,56.671028,4407.145508}; id=0; side="WEST"; vehicle="USMCD_Soldier_R"; player="PLAYER COMMANDER"; leader=1; rank="CAPTAIN"; skill=100; text="WestSlot1"; }; }; }; Open the pdf file that came with the download and on the second page you will find all classnames. Put for example "BWC_SADF_Teamleader" instead of "USMCD_Soldier_R" and you have replaced the unit so you can play with it. :) if you wanna be able to buy it than: _v = _v + ["Name it something"] _u = _u + ["Classname"] _d = _d + ["what it will say at the buying menu"] _c = _c + [20] _t = _t + [1] _p = _p + [5] _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] Simply fill in this and put it at the baraks file in the same location as the choppers and other stuff. I don't know the icon exactly and can't find it so I guess use an original one. So basically leave that part when you copy it. I guess that will do. Good luck Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blatjang 10 Posted October 30, 2009 Hallo there again, it's been a couple of days since my last posting... Thanks for that last reply, it helped:D I replaced all of the soldiers with the SADF soldiers and it works, there is just a little problem that came up though, sometimes when the AI units buy some of the soldiers those soldiers spawn with the M16A2 rifle instead of the weapon they are supposed to have... any ideas on that? Could I have made a mistake somewhere? here is a piece of the barracks entry: ;WEST _v = ["WSOLDIER"] _u = ["BWC_SADF_Rifleman"] _d = ["BWC Rifleman"] _c = [80] _t = [5] _p = [5] _i = ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] _v = _v + ["WATSOLDIER"] _u = _u + ["BWC_SADF_AT"] _d = _d + ["BWC AT Soldier"] _c = _c + [180] _t = _t + [7] _p = _p + [7] _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] _v = _v + ["WAASOLDIER"] _u = _u + ["BWC_SADF_soldier_m82"] _d = _d + ["BWC PARA Trooper"] _c = _c + [150] _t = _t + [7] _p = _p + [7] _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] _v = _v + ["WMGSOLDIER"] _u = _u + ["BWC_SADF_MG"] _d = _d + ["Machine gunner"] _c = _c + [140] _t = _t + [6] _p = _p + [6] _i = _i + ["\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa"] As you probably noticed, I only replaced the unit class names and kept everything else the same lol the lazy method But there is another reason for that though. When I create my own references for the units and create my own AI teams the AI won't buy them. I don't know how to fix these problems or I'm just not seeing the error. Here is an entry for the AI teams file: _n = _n + ["Infantry"] _d = _d + ["Btn32 Soldiers"] _u = [W32SOLDIER] _u = _u + [W32ATSOLDIER] _u = _u + [W32MGGSOLDIER] _u = _u + [W32GSOLDIER] WestAITeamTemplates = WestAITeamTemplates + [_u] WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE = Count WestAITeamTemplates - 1 WestInfantryTeamTypes = WestInfantryTeamTypes + [WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE] WestDefenseTeamTypes = WestInfantryTeamTypes + [WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE] _n = _n + ["FS"] _d = _d + ["FS"] _u = [WAASOLDIER] _u = _u + [WAASOLDIER] _u = _u + [WMGSOLDIER] _u = _u + [WMGSOLDIER] _u = _u + [WGSOLDIER] WestAITeamTemplates = WestAITeamTemplates + [_u] WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE = Count WestAITeamTemplates - 1 WestInfantryTeamTypes = WestInfantryTeamTypes + [WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE] ;AI commander preferences for AI teams. Note this should be at least the size of the total amount of playable teams in game. _t = [WESTAIDEFAULTTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIATTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIM113TEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIINFANTRYTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIHMMWVTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAISNIPERTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIBLACKOPSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIDEFAULTTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIATTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIFSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAISNIPERTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIBLACKOPSTEAMTYPE] _t = _t + [WESTAIM113TEAMTYPE] I dont know how the quoting thing works lol sorry if my style is annoying. Thanks again in advance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zachhox 10 Posted November 2, 2009 Well I tried it, worked just fine so far. Even made a special test warfare :D. The AI team units is what you need the "_v = ["WSOLDIER"]" for from the barracks as it seems. And only put your own soldiers there, don't put the others. And replace it with V, the V from the barracks. I have the ai disabled so I buy it all myself. So you could try taking command yourself and see. The way you did it is just fine though. And you can add as many units as you like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StingerMeGood 10 Posted March 4, 2010 Hoping someone could steer me in the right direction. Trying to add my own vehicle addons into warfare map. This is what I have done from the beginning: 1. Created @PMC folder and added to shortcut. 2. Inside @PMC folder is : addons\pmc_apache.pbo addons\pmc_apache.pbo.PMC.bisign keys\PMC.bikey 3. Unpacked Warfare map. 4. Under Common\Config\Config_AircraftFactory.sqs I have added: _u = _u + ["pmc_apache_multirole"] _d = _d + ["PMC Apache Multirole"] _c = _c + [200] _m = _m + [200 + (westBarracksCosts Select WPILOTTYPE) * 2] _t = _t + [55] _p = _p + [50] _o = _o + [false] _i = _i + ["\PMC_APACHE\icons\iah64.paa"] _u = _u + ["pmc_apache_closesupport"] _d = _d + ["PMC Apache Close Support"] _c = _c + [200] _m = _m + [200 + (westBarracksCosts Select WPILOTTYPE) * 2] _t = _t + [55] _p = _p + [50] _o = _o + [false] _i = _i + ["\PMC_APACHE\icons\iah64.paa"] _u = _u + ["pmc_apache_groundsuppres"] _d = _d + ["PMC Apache Ground Suppress"] _c = _c + [200] _m = _m + [200 + (westBarracksCosts Select WPILOTTYPE) * 2] _t = _t + [55] _p = _p + [50] _o = _o + [false] _i = _i + ["\PMC_APACHE\icons\iah64.paa"] Being the three models I wish to use(obviously). 5. Under Missions.sqm I have added "PMC_APACHE" under "addOns []=" AND "addOnsAuto []=" (Yes there is a comma after the last entry). Contents of PMC_APACHE.PBO: \icons\iah64.paa \sounds\engine_ah64.wss \tex\*(whole heap o texture files)* $PBOPREFIX$ config.bin pmc_apache_closesupport.p3d pmc_apache_groundsuppres.p3d pmc_apache_multirole.p3d From what I can gather this is all correct. I can start the warfare map and even select the chopper from the Buy Screen (even the description is there). What appears to happening is that the helicoptors are spawning around 21.5km away from my base. (Off the coast of the South Island) Always in the same spot. Ker-Plunk. Splashy Death. Oh, and the icons aren't working. That's no biggy. (but a fix would be appreciated) Any assistance would be appreciated. Cheers, StingerMeGood Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
user3242 10 Posted April 10, 2010 how you modify the ammo type for su34b?i want put missile Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACRking 10 Posted April 17, 2014 So, I've appreciated all the help that this stuff has given me in adding my cool weapons to warfare, but how would I go about adding a @AC_130X into the aircraft factory for ARMA II BE Warfare ACE 2.071? I've tried as much as I can handle but haven't been able to get it working. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites