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Boot Camp - Flight training - Emergency landing

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Hi all.

Been trying this mission but cant make out whats expected.

'nose down, then quickly reduce thrust' ?

Can anyone explain what i'm trying to do in this part of the mission. Can't be an autorotation cause i understand it can only be done above a certain minimum altitude (and i'd be surprised if the FM would be complex enough to similate it anyhow) ?

Any comments welcome.

Edited by Fish44

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I think that it is supposed to be an autorotation.

You are quite right that it can only be attempted ubove a minimum height.

Thrust is controlled by the throttle (a twist grip control like a motor cycle throttle) control which is situated on the Collective lever which controls the pitch of the main rotor blades.

In this very poor simulation of helicopter flight control they use the term throttle to mean Collective control.

In a real helo, the throttle and collective are corollated. That is when you pull the Collective lever up you increase the pitch of the blades and also increase the throttle to provide the necessary additional power.

If you twisted the throttle to reduce power without pushing the Collective lever down as well you would very quickly reduce the main rotor revs and fall out of the sky.



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I understood auto rotation us used when the power fails? or simulated during training by dropping the power/throttle, and managing the rotor pitch, speed, torque, and decent rate, so that the blades have enough energy to provide lift when needed to slow the rate of decent close to the ground.

I suppose BI are trying to make flying a bit more interesting given the limitations of their FM. Still its making the completion of that training mission quite a challenge for me.

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This quite simply means the following.

as soon as Maddox says go, pitch forward and hold Z (if using default keys - the reduce altitude key). Just before you hit the ground pull the nose up so you land.

It's pretty easy when using a mouse, haven't tried it using a joystick if thats what you're using.

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I know autorotation worked in ArmA1 as some guy made a post with instructions and even a youtube video of it, so try searching for it. The flightmodel has changed but my guess is that the basics still works.

I never managed to autorotate so I can't provide more help, unfortunately.

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This quite simply means the following.

as soon as Maddox says go, pitch forward and hold Z (if using default keys - the reduce altitude key). Just before you hit the ground pull the nose up so you land.

It's pretty easy when using a mouse, haven't tried it using a joystick if thats what you're using.

I pretty much suck at this game and have just learnt chopper flying (after sucking hard last time I tried) and this explanation is awesome. Had tried a few ways that ended up with a Cobra BBQ. After reading your post I nailed it 1st try

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