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Making an "addAction" repeat itself??

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Hi guys,

I'm currently using Dr_Eyeball's team status dialog, and everything is working like it should.. The only problem I'm having is that whenever a player respawns, they no longer have the "Team status" dialog option in their action menu. How would I go about making it so that the action becomes available again on each respawn?

line in init.sqf:

_Action = player addAction ["Team Status", "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf", [["Page", "Team"], "AllowPlayerInvites", "HideOpposition"], 0, false, true,""];



This is what I have tried (doesn't work, but thanks for your attempt Dr_Eyeball :)), in my init.sqf file:

_Action = player addAction ["Team Status", "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf", [["Page", "Team"], "AllowPlayerInvites", "HideOpposition"], 0, false, true,""];

player addEventHandler ["killed", 
   waitUntil {alive (_this select 0)};

    _action = (_this select 0) addAction ["Team Status",
   [["Page", "Team"], "AllowPlayerInvites", "HideOpposition"], 
   0, false, true, ""];

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if you use the CBA you can do this:

[['Team Status', 'Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf', [['Page', 'Team'], 'AllowPlayerInvites', 'HideOpposition'], 0, false, true, 'teamSwitch',""]] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerAction;

Function: CBA_fnc_addPlayerAction

Adds persistent action to player (which will also be available in vehicles
and after respawn or teamswitch).

Remove action with <CBA_fnc_removePlayerAction>. *Do not* use standard
removeAction command with these player-action indices!

_actionArray - Array that defines the action, as used in addAction command [Array]

Index of action if added. -1 if used on a dedicated server [Number]

(begin example)
	_actionIndex = [["Teleport", "teleport.sqf"]] call CBA_fnc_addPlayerAction;


#include "script_component.hpp"


private "_return";

_return = if (isDedicated) then
WARNING("Function ran on a dedicated server. Function only usable on a client. Action: " + str _actionArray);
-1; // Invalid action number.
} else {
_index = GVAR(nextActionIndex);
[GVAR(actionList), _index, _actionArray] call CBA_fnc_hashSet;
GVAR(actionListUpdated) = true;



Edited by fbbull

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Do you have something else that overwrites the EventHandler perhaps?

The only thing that might be doing this is my layout saving, but I'm really not sure..

This is my savelayout.sqf:

hint "Custom Loadout Saved";

while {true} do {
   waitUntil {!alive player};
   _p = player;
   _weapons = weapons _p;
   _magazines = magazines _p;
   waitUntil {alive player};
   _p = player;
   removeAllWeapons _p;
   {_p addMagazine _x;} forEach _magazines;
   {_p addWeapon _x;} forEach _weapons;
   _primw = primaryWeapon _p;
   if (_primw != "") then {
       _p selectWeapon _primw;
       // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher
       _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles");
       _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0);

@fbbull: I'm a beginner, so I have no clue on how to use the CBA.. I read the wiki, but I can't find anything (call me stupid, lol) that tells me exactly what to do.

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Respawning does not mean removing all damage from player and send him back to the respawn marker. It means creating a completely new entitiy, which then of course won't have: the previous weapon configuration, the previous varname, the assigned actions, and probably not the previously assigned eventhandlers.

In my missions I always do it the way you wrote above:

I create a separate playerInit.sqf which is called by the Init.sqf. The playerInit.sqf roughly consists of the code

While{true} do{
  WaitUntil{not alive player};
  // save layout
  WaitUntil{alive player};
  // give back weapons
  // give back actions

which always works a charm for me.

So try a mix of both your attempts:

while {true} do {
   waitUntil {!alive player};
   _p = player;
   _weapons = weapons _p;
   _magazines = magazines _p;
   waitUntil {alive player};
   _p = player;
   removeAllWeapons _p;
   {_p addMagazine _x;} forEach _magazines;
   {_p addWeapon _x;} forEach _weapons;
   _primw = primaryWeapon _p;
   if (_primw != "") then {
       _p selectWeapon _primw;
       // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher
       _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles");
       _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0);
  _Action = player addAction ["Team Status", "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf", [["Page", "Team"], "AllowPlayerInvites", "HideOpposition"], 0, false, true,""];
  // any other actions.....

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Respawning does not mean removing all damage from player and send him back to the respawn marker. It means creating a completely new entitiy, which then of course won't have: the previous weapon configuration, the previous varname, the assigned actions, and probably not the previously assigned eventhandlers.

In my missions I always do it the way you wrote above:

I create a separate playerInit.sqf which is called by the Init.sqf. The playerInit.sqf roughly consists of the code

While{true} do{
  WaitUntil{not alive player};
  // save layout
  WaitUntil{alive player};
  // give back weapons
  // give back actions

which always works a charm for me.

So try a mix of both your attempts:

while {true} do {
   waitUntil {!alive player};
   _p = player;
   _weapons = weapons _p;
   _magazines = magazines _p;
   waitUntil {alive player};
   _p = player;
   removeAllWeapons _p;
   {_p addMagazine _x;} forEach _magazines;
   {_p addWeapon _x;} forEach _weapons;
   _primw = primaryWeapon _p;
   if (_primw != "") then {
       _p selectWeapon _primw;
       // Fix for weapons with grenade launcher
       _muzzles = getArray(configFile>>"cfgWeapons" >> _primw >> "muzzles");
       _p selectWeapon (_muzzles select 0);
  _Action = player addAction ["Team Status", "Scripts\TeamStatusDialog\TeamStatusDialog.sqf", [["Page", "Team"], "AllowPlayerInvites", "HideOpposition"], 0, false, true,""];
  // any other actions.....

That worked like a charm! :yay:


My map's done now.. I know I asked a lot of stupid questions, but thank you so much for all your help guys! I'm gonna be adding a "special thanks to:" in my intro :D

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Gratulations for your first mission.

None of your questions were stupid, asking such things in this forum is still the best way to learn how it works.

Keep doing it.

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That's very true, and I'm glad to say that all that code doesn't scare me as much now as it did before :D

Defenitly something I'd like to spend my time on in the future :)

Thanks again

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Flightster, you're (or were) not alone in that problem. I read the original Arma thread on Team Status Dialog and it ends with the "respawn" problem not resolved.

I d/led v1.3 (Arma) of TSD and managed to find v1.1 imbedded in some Arma SimHQ missions. If you follow the install instructions for both, neither of them work correctly - ie, you lose the Team Status action as soon as you die.

Luckily, I had a working mission with the SimHQ Coop Pack and I sort of reverse-engineered it to figure out that the key was some third-party script added by some author - which, AFAIK, had nothing to do with re-adding the "action".

So, at this time I have v1.1 working fine. I'll probably just stick with v1.1 now that I have the needed code isolated and working.

But just FYI, the "respawn" problem was a known problem.

I'm now adding the code to a bunch of co-op missions. This script has got to be the most useful script I've ever found for Arma. It can make seemingly impossible missions (say when you're playing alone with AI) winnable - Kudos to Dr_Eyeball!!

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This what I do to readd action :

_trig = createTrigger ["emptydetector", [0, 0, 0]];
_trig setTriggerArea [0, 0, 0, false];
_trig setTriggerActivation ["none", "present", true];
_trig setTriggerStatements
"alive player",
"OPT_ACTIDX_OPTIONS = player addAction [localize 'STR_ACT_OPTIONS', 'act_options.sqf', [], 0, true, true, '', 'call compile format [''_res = false; {if (_target in list _x) exitWith {_res = true}} forEach ZRSTR_BASES_%1; _res'', playerSide]']",
"player removeAction OPT_ACTIDX_OPTIONS"

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