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Naming AI Allies

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So, this might be a goofy question, but I figure that there's no harm in asking.

Is there any way to assign a name onto an AI ally for custom missions? I guess that the best example of what I'm talking about is when in the CoD games (I know it's not popular around here, but for the purposes of what I'm talking about it's the best example) you look at an ally and their name pops up.

The reason I want to do this is, if I were to make a few missions, I'd like to give them somewhat of a more cinematic feel and let the player know exactly who they're looking at, beyond just being assigned a number.

Additionally, is there any way to script a script into the game. I guess that I could set up triggers so that when certain things happen, something is said by a squad mate, but are there any other ways to set that up?

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Yes you can name them as well as customize face, voice, glasses etc... in the Description.ext

class CfgIdentities
class John_Doe
 name="Joe Johnson";

The character in the game must also be named in the 'name' box in the editor ie, "Alpha1" or anything you want.

In Alpha1's init box you would put

 alpha1 setidentity "John_Doe"

and he will henceforth be named: Joe Johnson.

Triggers are probably the easiest way to get someone to SideChat but you can call anywhere from a script as well.

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