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Soldier 2,5,7... and 11,12,13,14. CONSOLIDATE!!!

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Why hello there, I'm Jaenus!

You might remember me from such posts as "Give our helicopters a "land here" command!" or "We need a way to favorite MP servers!"

Well I have another suggestion for an issue -- an issue that I'm sure all of you have suffered!

You load up a transport truck with 13 soldiers and yourself. You're driving alone and RAT-TI-TAT-TAT! Some buggery insurgent (OPFOR/BLUFOR) shoots into your truck and kills poor soldiers 1,3,4,6,8,9 and 10.

So now on your soldier bar you have 2,5,7 ...then you have to push F12 to get to the next slide where you only have 11,12,13,14!

GEE WIZ! Wouldn't it be nice if 11,12,13,14 became the NEW 1,3,4 and 6?

I mean, no offense to our fallen comrades, but uh, can we consolidate our forces some to save on the constant F11 / F12 jumping?

This has happened to me numerous times, where I have 10 soldiers, and 5 are on one slide and 5 on another.

So yea, vote for consolidation of our troops!

Help 11,12,13 and 14 become the new 1,3,4 and 6! They'll thank you!

Edited by Jaenus

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Why hello there, I'm Jaenus!

You might remember me from such posts as "Give our helicopters a "land here" command!" or "We need a way to favorite MP servers!"

Well I have another suggestion for an issue -- an issue that I'm sure all of you have suffered!

You load up a transport truck with 13 soldiers and yourself. You're driving alone and RAT-TI-TAT-TAT! Some buggery insurgent (OPFOR/BLUFOR) shoots into your truck and kills poor soldiers 1,3,4,6,8,9 and 10.

So now on your soldier bar you have 2,5,7 ...then you have to push F12 to get to the next slide where you only have 11,12,13,14!

GEE WIZ! Wouldn't it be nice if 11,12,13,14 became the NEW 1,3,4 and 6?

I mean, no offense to our fallen comrades, but uh, can we consolidate our forces some to save on the constant F11 / F12 jumping?

This has happened to me numerous times, where I have 10 soldiers, and 5 are on one slide and 5 on another.

So yea, vote for consolidation of our troops!

Help 11,12,13 and 14 become the new 1,3,4 and 6! They'll thank you!

I agree that dead men are left behind and we move on with aim to complete the objective... without F11/F12 jumping

Replace dead team members into a consolidated squad.

Bump this idea up the ladder.

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Good point. But automatic reordering/-grouping IMHO is not the answer. However a squad-leader should be able to manage his squad(s) per radio/-menu or even a dedicated interface (in case there are more groups/fireteams to manage... think HC).

Seeing how undeveloped this aspect of the game still is, I guess you have to write your own little scripts (which you can integrate into the radio/-menu) to get the desired results. In this case something like (units yourGrp) joingGrp null and then join back to you or something to get some order back into your team... :/

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I think, that if BIS improves the AI behaviour, there should be some sort of hierarchy: the squad leader gives orders to 3/4 fireteam leaders, and the fireteam leaders use their available manpower to complete their orders.

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100% agree with MSG Sparrow. Actually, I think BIS should read dslyecxi's guide and make sure the AI can do everything in there, especially when under player command. But it would be really great to have the 'fire team' structure simulated and make it easier to command large squads without resorting to High Command.

I think having a consolidation command for players would be very good. I'm not sure how the AI should handle it - arguably it doesn't matter and shouldn't need to do it, since the only reason players would want it is due to the UI.

Maybe a more general solution like being able to reassign team members to different numbers while in-game would be better? Select a single unit, and have a command (in the Team menu perhaps) to say "become ..." and then you press another f-key and they become that number, swapping with the existing one of it's there. That would also allow you to rearrange your squad for formation reasons or to keep coloured team members together.

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Absoltively! Though I'd never let the enemy get that kindof drop on me :D I of course have lost members. Not sure how consolidating the numbers would disrespect the dead, the numbers are purely a command interface mechanism. If your number 2, say a Sgt. dies I think its common sense that his duties pass on to the next in line, say a cpl. The guy is still a cpl., he doesn't get a raise just cuz sgt. so-and-so bites it, but someone has to occupy that second in command spot.

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