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Warfare Question

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I did a quick search before I needed to head off for work, but if I missed this answered somewhere else I apologize.

In the game manual it mentions in warfare (civil war/superpowers) the ability to:

-give units and money to another player

-purchase units empty, or minus a commander.

I have yet to be able to figure out how to do any of these things can someone give me a heads up on how this is done through the spartan menus?

Also on creation of the game there is a lock/unlock button. Does anyone know if using unlock will allow you to get into AI vehicles. (I've been in a couple situations where the AI driver and gunner of UAZs have been killed, but the vehicle was in-tact, however I could not get in the vehicle and use the weapons, nor order any of my men in the vehicle.

-Thanks for the help.


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I did a quick search before I needed to head off for work, but if I missed this answered somewhere else I apologize.

In the game manual it mentions in warfare (civil war/superpowers) the ability to:

-give units and money to another player

-purchase units empty, or minus a commander.

I have yet to be able to figure out how to do any of these things can someone give me a heads up on how this is done through the spartan menus?

I am having the same problem too. I haven't been able to find any info regarding giving money or sending units to other AI players in warfare. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. :)

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I am not yet quite a warfare-type, but mabye I get there when warfare has waypoints to set and order AI groups there .. like in crcti 0.9 from squeeze. Anybody knows?

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From what I can gather in other threads these features were suppose to be in warfare, but for some reason aren't complete. Hopefully with the next patch this will all get sorted out.

If anyone knows differently I'd appreciate the help.

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when u select a unit in the buying screen, u see some logos, a driver logo, a gunner logo and a command logo (some vichels don't got a gunner or commander), press on the logos to not buy that unit.

Transferring units to another team is as far as i know only posible in SP, you can do it threw the command menu( communication i think).

In one of the menus when u press ESC during warfare u can a see a transfer option.

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1) You can transfer funds /only/ to others players using Options -> Team menu.

2) You can not unlock vehicles that do not belong to you (you have not purchased them). Even if the crew is... missing.

3) To buy vehicles w/out AI crew, untick the Driver (steering wheel), Gunner (looks like a crosshair), commander icons, so that they are not highlighted in the Purshase Unit menu.

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Thanks for the help fellas, however, I'm thinking you may be talking about a mod. I am referring to the BIS official Superpowers and Civil War -no mods, no third party version.

I see a spot for vehicle equipment, but it is always blank.

To be fair I am patched up to 1.3 -I have not downloaded either beta patches. Might the features you all are refering be added with the beta patches? I can't find a proper change log.

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