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m270 mlrs

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what the hell do I do with it? whats the point of it? how do I use it? whats it for?

thank you.

is there any use in domination for it?

Edited by Relemar

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Personaly one of the nicest models in game (realy like the 1st person driver windshield), but it realy lacks a decent gunner system. I hope BIS or someone else will make realistic replacement for it.

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Personaly one of the nicest models in game (realy like the 1st person driver windshield), but it realy lacks a decent gunner system. I hope BIS or someone else will make realistic replacement for it.

It most certainly doesn't lack a decent gunner system. Provided you set it up correctly, the M270 MLRS will absolutely dominate anything and everything on the map, and from a long, safe distance away at that. I mean sure, the Target Artillery module is a tad simplified, but I doubt many people (other than me) would enjoy having to calculate deflection and elevation and whatnot manually.

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How do u set it up properly then?

When i place one in a editor (played as gunner), go to 1st person view i only get a little crosshair and half my screen is blocked by the missiles. They modeled the gunner position very nice but it lacks a decent interface to operate it.

Also turn out anim of the gunner doesn't work.

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i'm pretty sure you cannot turn out from the mlrs irl....

Though, i do agree that the interface should have been better, it does a good job as it is now ( over not having the module )

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