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killing a unit.

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I understand this is a noobish question, and kylania already gave me the answer on x-fire, but I forgot.

If I want a unit just to die...whats the command?

Essentially I want a unit to blow up when it reaches a certain area of the map. Im pretty sure I know how to make this happen, I just dont know what the command is for it to be destroyed.



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thanks, thats the ticket.

note; damage not dammage?

Okay, so clearly I don't know how to make it blow up via a trigger. I tried inserting a trigger 50x50, Activated by BLUFOR Present, On Act car1 set Damage 1;. When the car passed into the trigger radius I hoped it would blow up. This was not the case. Any one know the reason for this?

Edited by Leving

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note; damage not dammage?

Both works, the double M was a typo in the original version of Flashpoint, this was soon fixed but the old (grammatically incorrect) command was left there for backwards compatibility.

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