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Mech animation script that's been fustrating me

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_wanzer = _this select 0

_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2


?((getpos _wanzer select 2 < 1)&&(speed _wanzer > 6)): goto "slow"

?((getpos _wanzer select 2 < 1)&&(speed _wanzer < -6)): goto "slowback"

_dir1 = getdir _wanzer


_dir2 = getdir _wanzer

_dir3 = _dir1 - _dir2

?(_dir3 > 6): goto "slow"

?(_dir3 < -6): goto "slowback"

goto "mainloop"


?(speed _wanzer > 40): goto "normal"

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


?(speed _wanzer < 6): goto "stop"

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


goto "mainloop"


?(speed _wanzer > 65): goto "fast"

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


?(speed _wanzer < 6): goto "stop"

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


goto "mainloop"


?(speed _wanzer > 150): goto "dash"

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


?(speed _wanzer < 6): goto "stop"

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


goto "mainloop"


_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",1]

?(speed _wanzer < 6): goto "stop"

goto "mainloop"


?(speed _wanzer < -35): goto "normalback"

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",1]

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


?(speed _wanzer > -6): goto "stop"

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


goto "mainloop"


?(speed _wanzer < -55): goto "fastback"

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",1]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


?(speed _wanzer > -6): goto "stop"

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


goto "mainloop"


_wanzer animate ["ArmL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]


_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",1]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


?(speed _wanzer > -6): goto "stop"

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_wanzer say "WanzerArm"

_wanzer say "WanzerStep"


goto "mainloop"


_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

goto "mainloop"


_wanzer = _this select 0

;_spd = speed _wanzer

;_dir = getdir _wanzer

;_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

;_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

;_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

;hint format["_Speed : %1 \n_Dir : %2 \n_Speedx : %3 \n_Speedy : %4",_Speed,_Dir,_Speedx,_Speedy]

_ShapeName = "cl_basic"

_AnimationName = ""

_Type = "Billboard"

_TimerPeriod = 1

_LifeTime = 0.5

_Position = [0,0,0]

_MoveVelocity = [0,0,0]

_RotationVelocity = 0.5

_Weight = 0.2

_Volume = 0.5

_Rubbing = 0.05

_Size = [2,4,8]

_Color = [[0.1,0.8,0.1,0.45],[0.1,0.8,0.1,0.45],[0.1,0.8,0.1,0.45]]

_AnimationPhase = [0]

_RandomDirectionPeriod = 1.3

_RandomDirectionIntensity = 5

_OnTimer = ""

_BeforeDestroy = ""

_Object = "_wanzer"

_cnt = 0

_cntdcl = 0

_wanzer say "JumpStep"

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",1]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_dshx = ((sin _Dir) * 5)

_dshy = ((cos _Dir) * 5)

?(_spd > 140) : _dshx = ((sin _Dir) * 3)

?(_spd > 140) : _dshy = ((cos _Dir) * 3)

?(_spd > 160) : _dshx = ((sin _Dir) * 2)

?(_spd > 160) : _dshy = ((cos _Dir) * 2)

?(_spd > 180) : _dshx = (sin _Dir)

?(_spd > 180) : _dshy = (cos _Dir)

?(_spd > 200) : _dshx = 0

?(_spd > 200) : _dshy = 0

_clvelx = (-(sin _Dir) * 50)

_clvely = (-(cos _Dir) * 50)

_errx = -(cos _dir) * 1.4

_erry = (sin _dir) * 1.4


_wanzer setFuel fuel _wanzer - 0.002

?(fuel _wanzer == 0) : goto "fuelout"

_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

_wanzer setvelocity [_velx + _dshx ,_vely + _dshy,_velz]

_posx = getpos _wanzer select 0

_posy = getpos _wanzer select 1

_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

_Position = [_posx + _errx,_posy + _erry,_posz + 3]

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx + random 40 - 20,_clvely + random 40 - 20,random 30 - 15]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx + random 40 - 20,_clvely + random 40 - 20,random 30 - 15]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx + random 40 - 20,_clvely + random 40 - 20,random 30 - 15]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx + random 40 - 20,_clvely + random 40 - 20,random 30 - 15]


_cnt = _cnt + 1

?(_cnt > 4) : goto "dcl"

goto "bst"


_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

_wanzer setvelocity [_velx * 0.9,_vely * 0.9,_velz]

_cntdcl = _cntdcl + 1

?(_cntdcl > 2) : exit


goto "dcl"


_Wanzer vehiclechat "FUEL OUT"


Starting it up

_vehicle = _this select 0

Life = getdammage _vehicle

?!(player in _vehicle) : goto "exit"

?(Life >= 0.5) : goto "startupB"

_vehicle say "ZenithStartUp"



_vehicle vehicleChat "DURANDAL Armor.Tactics.Research.Corps"


_vehicle vehicleChat "ZENITH"


_vehicle vehicleChat "Version 1.0"


_vehicle vehicleChat "memory check! ---------- OK"


_vehicle vehicleChat "system check! ---------- OK"


_vehicle vehicleChat "Body/Arm/Leg ---------- OK"


_vehicle vehicleChat "Entrace Logon ********"


_vehicle vehicleChat "All Systems ready..."

goto "exit"



_vehicle vehicleChat "DURANDAL Armor.Tactics.Research.Corps"


_vehicle vehicleChat "Zenith"


_vehicle vehicleChat "Version 1.0"


_vehicle vehicleChat "memory check! ------------------------ "


_vehicle vehicleChat "system check! ------------------------ "


_vehicle vehicleChat "Body/Arm/Leg ---------- Damaged "


_vehicle vehicleChat "Entrace Logon ********"


_vehicle vehicleChat "All Systems ready..."

goto "exit"




_wanzer = _this select 0

;_dir = getdir _wanzer

;_vel = velocity _wanzer

;_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

;_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

;_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

;_posx = getpos _wanzer select 0

;_posy = getpos _wanzer select 1

;_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

_ShapeName = "cl_basic"

_AnimationName = ""

_Type = "Billboard"

_TimerPeriod = 1

_LifeTime = 0.5

_Position = [0,0,0]

_MoveVelocity = [0,0,0]

_RotationVelocity = 0.5

_Weight = 0.2

_Volume = 0.5

_Rubbing = 0.05

_Size = [2,5,8,10]

_Color = [[0.1,0.8,0.1,0.45],[0.1,0.8,0.1,0.45],[0.1,0.8,0.1,0.45],[0.1,0.8,0.1,0.3]]

_AnimationPhase = [0]

_RandomDirectionPeriod = 1.3

_RandomDirectionIntensity = 5

_OnTimer = ""

_BeforeDestroy = ""

_Object = "_wanzer"

_mlpbst = 70

_mlprvs = 10

_cntjmp = 0

_cntfly = 0

_cntflybst = 0

_cntrvs = 0

_wanzer say "JumpStep"

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

_wanzer setvelocity [_velx,_vely,20]

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_errx = -(cos _dir) * 1.4

_erry = (sin _dir) * 1.4


_wanzer setFuel fuel _wanzer - 0.00015

?(fuel _wanzer == 0) : goto "fuelout"

_posx = getpos _wanzer select 0

_posy = getpos _wanzer select 1

_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_wanzer setdir _dir

_Position = [_posx + _errx,_posy + _erry,_posz + 2]

_mlpbst = _mlpbst * 0.80

_clvelx = _mlpbst * sin random 360

_clvely = _mlpbst * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_clvelx = _mlpbst * sin random 360

_clvely = _mlpbst * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_clvelx = _mlpbst * sin random 360

_clvely = _mlpbst * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]


_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

?(_velz < 20) : goto "bstoff"


goto "bst"


_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_wanzer setdir _dir

?(_posz < 10) : goto "fall"

?(_velz <= 0) : goto "flybst"

?(fuel _wanzer == 0) : goto "fuelout"


goto "bstoff"


_wanzer setFuel fuel _wanzer - 0.001

?(fuel _wanzer == 0) : goto "fuelout"

;_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

_posx = getpos _wanzer select 0

_posy = getpos _wanzer select 1

_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_wanzer setdir _dir

_Position = [_posx + _errx,_posy + _erry,_posz + 2]

_clvelx = (10 + random 10) * sin random 360

_clvely = (10 + random 10) * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_clvelx = (10 + random 10) * sin random 360

_clvely = (10 + random 10) * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_clvelx = (10 + random 10) * sin random 360

_clvely = (10 + random 10) * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]


_cntflybst = _cntflybst + 1

?(_cntflybst > 2) : goto "fly"


goto "flybst"


_cntflybst = 0

_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

?(_velz < -10) : goto "fall"

?(_velz > 10) : exit

_wanzer say "JumpStep"

_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

_wanzer setvelocity [_velx,_vely,3.5]

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_wanzer setdir _dir

_cntfly = _cntfly + 1

?(_cntfly > 5 + random 3) : goto "fall"

~0.5 + random 0.5

goto "flybst"


_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

?(_posz <= 20) : _wanzer say "JumpStep"

?(_posz <= 20) : goto "animat"

?(fuel _wanzer == 0) : goto "fuelout"

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_wanzer setdir _dir


goto "fall"


_wanzer say "JumpStep"

_wanzer animate ["Leg0L",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1L",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetL",0]

_wanzer animate ["ArmL",1]

_wanzer animate ["Leg0R",0]

_wanzer animate ["Leg1R",0]

_wanzer animate ["FeetR",0]

_wanzer animate ["ArmR",1]


_wanzer setFuel fuel _wanzer - 0.001

?(fuel _wanzer == 0) : goto "fuelout"

_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

_velz = velocity _wanzer select 2

_wanzer setvelocity [_velx,_vely,_velz * 0.9 + 3.0]

_dir = getdir _wanzer

_wanzer setdir _dir

_posx = getpos _wanzer select 0

_posy = getpos _wanzer select 1

_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

_Position = [_posx + _errx,_posy + _erry,_posz + 2]

_mlprvs = _mlprvs * 1.25

_clvelx = _mlprvs * sin random 360

_clvely = _mlprvs * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_clvelx = _mlprvs * sin random 360

_clvely = _mlprvs * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]

_clvelx = _mlprvs * sin random 360

_clvely = _mlprvs * cos random 360

_clvelz = (random -20) - 50

_MoveVelocity = [_clvelx,_clvely,_clvelz]

drop [_ShapeName,_AnimationName,_Type,_TimerPeriod,_Life Time,_Position,_MoveVelocity,_RotationVelocity,_We ight,_Volume,_Rubbing,_Size,_Color,_AnimationPhase ,_RandomDirectionPeriod,_RandomDirectionIntensity, _OnTimer,_BeforeDestroy,_Object]


?(_velz > -8) : goto "chk"


goto "rvs"


_posz = getpos _wanzer select 2

?(_posz <= 1) : goto "lnd"

?(fuel _wanzer == 0) : goto "fuelout"


goto "chk"


_velx = velocity _wanzer select 0

_vely = velocity _wanzer select 1

_wanzer setvelocity [_velx,_vely,0]



_Wanzer vehiclechat "Fuel out"



_vehicle = _this select 0

[_vehicle] exec "\Zenith\scripts\ZntStartUp.sqs"



_vehicle = _this select 0


@speed _vehicle > 1

_vehicle setvelocity [(velocity _vehicle select 0)*1,(velocity _vehicle select 1)*1,(velocity _vehicle select 2)]

@speed _vehicle < 1


goto "check"


Ok so i pulled these out of a ofp mech and tryna port to Arma 2 now but i havent had any luck with my efforts. If someone help me solves this I

will give credit to them on my mech releases

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"_wanzer" ? It is my mech addon :cool:

It will be good to refer to the following links, in order to carry out animation of the model.

Model Config

How to animate a model

Howto Model Config

By cfgSkeletons, division by class of animation was attained after arma1.

Complicated animation should be able to be carried out rather than a motion of the leg attained with the above script.

As a rough procedure, arbitrary selection names are given to a model to animation within o2.

The memory point used as the reamer reference position of the animation of the model is defined.

A section is defined within CfgModels of config.

A bone is defined within cfgSkeletons.

AnimationSources is defined within the own-class in CfgVehicles.

Animation of the model is carried out using animate command.

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"_wanzer" ? It is my mech addon :cool:

It will be good to refer to the following links, in order to carry out animation of the model.

Model Config

How to animate a model

Howto Model Config

By cfgSkeletons, division by class of animation was attained after arma1.

Complicated animation should be able to be carried out rather than a motion of the leg attained with the above script.

As a rough procedure, arbitrary selection names are given to a model to animation within o2.

The memory point used as the reamer reference position of the animation of the model is defined.

A section is defined within CfgModels of config.

A bone is defined within cfgSkeletons.

AnimationSources is defined within the own-class in CfgVehicles.

Animation of the model is carried out using animate command.


so im no scripter so im like "what the hell are u saying" can u explain like u talking to a noobs of scripting lol

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Um if you are a noob at scripting, making a walking mech is about the hardest thing you could want to do. I don't mean to discourage you, but at best an experienced modder could make a comical machine that rolls around like its on ice skates. Why not try something easier like a tracked mech, or a flying 'mobile armor' with some fun weapons? you could make them really big or fast and would be just as fun as using a walker. :)

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well i could use the mech walking style of "Zero" the anime they didnt walk they had wheels underneath there feet and was more like they were skating

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A giant, really, really, really (like, for real), walking robot has been top of my wanted addons list for ever.

/me keeps hoping the clever modders out there will keep trying now we've got the new animation possibilities mentioned above...

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Walk animation is performed using the animate command. It is dependent on those who make it how a leg is moved by using this command. When you want to learn about a script, first, open the existing script work, and watch, or visit wiki.

Also, I can help you in a mech walk animation. If you even make it for you to create a mech model and make it operate well within arma2, I will be able to add walk animation to the mech.

I am interested in the animation of 4-legs :) It is difficult for 2-legs walk to show automatically rather than 4-legs walk. 6-legs walk is also difficult than 4-legs walk.

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