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Location help

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Hey, I'm very new to scripting and all that.

I've been playing with it trial and error in the in-game stuff (init box, act/deact boxes, stuff like that) and I am having trouble getting something right.

I want to have something happen when the player is in a certain location. I'm stuck on the condition part.

I put:

myLocation = location ;building1

into the condition of a trigger. I didn't originally have the colon in front of building1 but it told me I was missing one.

I have a game logic/location unit placed next to the player spawn with the name Building1, and the trigger is set to activate by BLUFOR (which player is) I also have it set to display a hint on activation, but so far it does not work.

What am I doing wrong?

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You dont really need a condition for it, just group the player to the trigger (if you group any vehicle to a trigger it will react to that vehicle).

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So it will activate once you enter the radius of the axis on the trigger?

Edited by Jackael

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If you create a trigger with a radius, and set it as for example;

Activation;BLUFOR, Present.

Then when a blufor unit enters its raduis, the act in the trigger will happen.

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Okay cool... is there any way to set it to player only for entering the circle?

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Put in condition:

(player in thislist)

Note: The player must be the sime side that you activate the trigger with!

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Okay, let me see if I understand this correctly.

"thislist" is checking to make sure that the player is on the same side that is activating the trigger? Hence the note?

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thislist is simply a list of objects that satisfy the trigger.

(player in thislist) means "Did the player set off this trigger?"

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I see, thanks for the clarification. I'm trying to get a good understanding of these commands. :)

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I loved OFP and ARMA but now I'm really starting to enjoy setting up bases and having barriers that open and close, paratroopers or triggers for me to parachute to a location, getting an officer to transport some evidence for me to find along with objectives that involve killing the officer or rescuing a hostage, the list is endless and with a bit of research you soon see how creative this game can be, if you have the time and imagination to learn it, and most do. Well maybe the time thing is an issue...Coz I can look at the clock one minute and then before I know it 4 hours have passed and it's 3 in the morning. Oops, it's now 04:24.

Getting the hang of briefing now but mostly I need to fine tune what I understand about scripts and when/why/where to use them.

There are a lot of resources out there which I've found from links in stickys and posts here and so decided to register, not only to show my support for BIS which I should have done 8 years ago when I played flashy and just adored the atmosphere, but also to ask questions and seek help from others.

So, just to add a thanks to kylania who seems, among others, to be very helpful and skilled and it's been his name that comes to mind most of all when I see certain tips to help a user who doesn't quite understand the language involved..

To all those who offer their help here, it's valued greatly. It has pushed me into learning about the editor in a much more advanced way and I'm really enjoying that.

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