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Looking for "realistic" server

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I am looking for server with disabled "spacebar" scanning and with blocked third person perspective view (only first person perspective, even in vehicles), with forced full grass settings, on large map with vehicles [like on capture the area game mode but can be any game mode not versus AI] with free weapon choose.

If someone know server like this ^ let me know, thanks.

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Unfortunately it's impossible to disable "spacebar" cursor even with the highest difficulties settings

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Look for Charlie Foxtrot on a public night, command scanning is disabled using a nifty trick (at least it is on tournament maps), 3rd person is disabled and foliage is forced on, weapon loadouts are role based but it is easy to switch to a different slot.

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Thank you SidVicious Foxtrot servers are just what I was looking for:D

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You ca also just choice not to use it your self - as most mature gamers do.

Or you can forget to use it - as most absent minded gamers do. And then they TK.

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