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Badlands - hq command

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I'm currently running "Badlands", Steam version of the game.

When I build a camp, I can't send any buyed units to the other teams in order to reinforce them.

The menu in the diary is empty (send units), and I just can keep them in my team, if I disband them they disappear.

The manual is not clear at all about this.

Is it a bug and will it be fixed ? Or there's a special command ?

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I've got the same problem. I don't know how to create new squads. And the tutorial doesn't help me either.

---------- Post added at 05:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------

Edit: I just read you can't establish new teams in this mission. That's quite stupid i guess. Anyways, i have to conquer three cities with one team.

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hi all//i have same problems...can i swech bitween soldiers who i make?..example i buy sniper..can i swich to him?

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I built a Heavy factory and as the units lose men/equipement, they got "upgraded" from motorized to armoured, but I have no idea how I can "give" them more equipment and expand from one tank to e.g. 3. Right now, one unit is a Tungska, heh.

I had some men that I placed in MG nests and such and then disbanded. Then I tried to choose a unit -> Communication and "Give unit" from the menu and then a random name from the list, but apparently this gave my men in MG nests and such, to the other units which was meaningless.

If you e.g. make a T-72 and disband it, does it disappear in thin air or does it just drive off? If it's the latter maybe you can try to give him to a unit.

Also I tried to give money to a unit and it gave all my money (~$4k) which wasn't very welcome and he didn't spend it either AFAIK. However, when we took a minor town, I suddenly got $53.333?! Don't know why though, maybe the unit made a $4k bet about capturing it. ;)

Edit: Ooops this was Dogs of War.

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