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DoW - how to end ?

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Im playing DoW on 1.03 patch (Game is legit of course) and i captured all towns and now cant end mission cuz enemy still respawns in Msta over and over. I dont had any other tasks like capture lopotev on island, why ?

Where I can find this sergeant Marny, he's not in main HQ. Where is he ? And that other guy from briefing.

Pls help. I play this mission for about 6-8 hours and I have enough.

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Im playing DoW on 1.03 patch (Game is legit of course) and i captured all towns and now cant end mission cuz enemy still respawns in Msta over and over. I dont had any other tasks like capture lopotev on island, why ?

Where I can find this sergeant Marny, he's not in main HQ. Where is he ? And that other guy from briefing.

Pls help. I play this mission for about 6-8 hours and I have enough.

Destroy the base buildings at Msta. I would start with the HQ first. I used one of their ZU emplacements against them. I don't know why you don't have to get Lopo though. Did you personally capture Cherngorsk?

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Did you personally capture Cherngorsk?

Now I dont remember exactly. I know that I go to Chernogorsk and destroy 2x UAZ and killed some soldiers then message appears that town is captured (by green on map).

In Msta I only see barracks and enemy HQ. HQ is immortal and barracks still respawns after destroy.

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Now I dont remember exactly. I know that I go to Chernogorsk and destroy 2x UAZ and killed some soldiers then message appears that town is captured (by green on map).

In Msta I only see barracks and enemy HQ. HQ is immortal and barracks still respawns after destroy.

I wondered this too when i was in this mission. I found out that somewhere E of Msta central area is more enemy buildings. Destroy those and task will be completed. You cant capture or destroy the HQ for some reason. Wander around the Msta village in the fields and you will notice. Just blow everything up.

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I searched for any other enemy buildings somewhere E of Msta and nothing found :|

Anybody have map with marked position of enemy base except this barracks and his HQ ? Thx

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Maybe you should just go try and get Lopotev.

He is at:

That island that I can't remember the name of

What choices did you make in the campaign by the way?

Are CDF and NAPA allied?

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I searched for any other enemy buildings somewhere E of Msta and nothing found :|

Anybody have map with marked position of enemy base except this barracks and his HQ ? Thx

Strange. Another bug maybe. Do the enemy still send salvage trucks to area ? If so just follow where they come from and you'll eventually found their spawn spot and other structures that need to destroy. Other than that i can't help.

Those other buildings weren't very far away from Msta central. It was pitch black when i was there so i couldn't see far away. There's fields just E of Msta and there i found them.

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Yeah CDF and NAPA allied. I killed Prizrak earlier.


Yes, enemy salvage trucks are driving around, usually one salvage truck and two trucks with gear.

ill try to spy where is they come from.

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Yeah CDF and NAPA allied. I killed Prizrak earlier.


Yes, enemy salvage trucks are driving around, usually one salvage truck and two trucks with gear.

ill try to spy where is they come from.

This is how I did the entire mission:

I killed Prizrak in Badlands

I didn't take command.

I drove to Chernogorsk and took over two villages on the way.

I took over Chernogorsk.

Marine reinforcements arrived and now I can command them using high command.

Shaftoe says something about an island and going there.

I use the MH-60S from High command and tell my men to board it.

I order it to the island.

I kill everyone and capture Lopo.

Helicopter never shows up and I take the MH-60S back to base.

I have to escort Lopo to a certain point.

I escort him.

A guy there tells me something important about a man whose name begins with a K. (I remember what it is but I don't want to ruin it for you.

I take the MH-60S back to base where I buy 2 hinds (1 accidently because warfare is laggy on my computer)

I fly to Msta and take out a bunch of armor before getting shot down.

I go to the fields East of Msta and hop on an abandoned enemy ZSU.

I use the ZSU to destroy the rest of the armor, then the HQ, then the factories. I get shot by a man and go into shock on the ZSU but can still fire thanks to first aid being buggy.

Shaftoe tells me good job.

I wait a few minutes, mission over.

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Great !! :/

My mission looks like this:

I killed Prizrak in Badlands

In DoW I didnt take command

Allmost all towns are captured, except elektrozavorska and MSta where enemy still respawns


Marine Corps didnt arrive... soo I stuck at this moment.


I cant find enemy base. I look for salvage trucks and I see that they come from very E of Msta central but from where exactly ? I cant find anything in this area. Maybe someona have screenshot with marked base ? this will be helpful.

Edited by logimenn

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Coordinates: 116-097 (if these don't make sense/aren't by Msta flip them)

Relative: East of Msta, South of Powerlines, North of Dirtroad, West of Forest

Terrain: Its in a field, there has to be something, if you get there and can't find anything take a couple pictures around.

Its also possible you need to capture Lopotev. I would recommend trying that if you can't find anything in Msta.

I wonder why the MEU didn't arrive for you.

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Thanks, ill try this. Maybe its a bug or something.


These coordinates are this point where I have only enemy barracks and HQ nothing else. So, this enemy units are from air cuz nothing there. No factories etc. Just this two buildings. Also I cant capture elektorawodzk, 2 strongpoints r green and 2 r blue and objective is still "Capture Elektrozawodzk". There no enemy in town only friendlies.

I think I must restart this freaking BUG mission.

Thanks for help.

Edited by logimenn

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Did you destroy the enemy HQ and barracks? You have to do that to win.

It doesn't matter if you capture Electro or not. The only reason I did was because I had all the High Command MEU units sitting around doing nothing and I wanted to make sure I didn't get nailed by a strela while I was flying around.

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I can destroy barracks but HQ is invulnerable.

I don't think it is. It just takes more fire to knock it down.

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How do you board the choppers that HQ gives you to command? I can never order them to land :/

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How do you board the choppers that HQ gives you to command? I can never order them to land :/

Order your men into them and they will land to pick them up. Tell it to move somewhere and then tell your men to disembark when you get there. And that is how you make your own personal ferry.

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It's easy to find. Just follow the Shilka tracers.

You can can't order High Command units into the chopper though, can you?

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No, only your own men. Be careful about where you order them to and stuff though. I took one to the island and then had another come as backup. One smacked into the radio tower and the other nailed a tree. I had to revert to another save anyway though so that was fine.

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