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Render geometry inside View-Pilot LOD?

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Does anybody know of any method to force additional geometry (outside of the original vehicles P3D file) to render inside one of the vehicles other LOD's such as View Pilot ?

For example, try park a jet with it's nose into a building far enough in so the wall of the building intersects the cockpit, look at the jet from the outside (or spawn a camera inside the jet's cockpit) and obviously you can see the wall is cutting through the middle of the cockpit, however jump into the jet and the wall renders outside of the view-pilot's LOD.

Obviously this is how its meant to work but is there any way to force geometry to render inside the view lod ? I basically need to render some extra P3d's inside the cockpit which aren't part of the vehicles p3d file.

I can't see any way of doing this personally but I just thought I would ask in-case anybody has any ideas.

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If I remember correctly from dealing with pilot view gun models, if you put a proxy object in there it won't render above everything else.

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Hi Sakura Chan, many thanks for the info. So what your saying is if the geometry is a proxy it will render inside the LOD?

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yeh, you'd need a another (object) proxy in the Pilot LOD to view it correctly from inside the Pilot LOD.

I cant ever remember seeing any other way around that issue.

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Thanks Gnat, will give that a go. Cheers to both of you for the help.

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