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SOM and Arty module

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I figured out how to get the Arty battery ready and how to use it with SOM But.. I cant figure out how to get the arty requests working ( i want all 9 modes of fire possible =p) I looked in the BIKI but the things with codes is states there are impossible to do ( no where to put it )

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Could you be a bit more specific. I didn't udnerstand what your problem is. I set up an artillery of MLRS that can be called from the SOM Module last night. I followed the instructions in the Biki exactly as written and it worked flawlessly. Explain what part is giving you trouble and maybe I can help you.

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Okay i did set up A arty Battery of 7+ Mortars the Main one of the Battery is sybched with the Arty Module The SOM module is synched with the Player. if i do a preview I dont have the option to call in suport. and stuff that involve ( _heTemplate = ["IMMEDIATE", "HE", 0, 15];

) confuse me ( thats the biggest problem im having )

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You need to also add yourself the option to call in artillery. It's all in the big SOM thread.

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Simple answer first: I've noticed that there's sometimes a long delay (30-60 seconds) between when the game says you have access to artillery and when you can actually use it. Check if this is the problem. If not return here and we can do it step by step. Not until after the weekend though. I'm away from my computer until monday.

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it Didnt show up and i tried it with an M112 ( ithink) artillery battery Synched with arty module (the group leader).. and player char is also fully synched witht the SOM module edit All i did was Put 5 M112 howitzers on the map synched the arty module to the leader of the arty group. then created a player unit and synched it with the player. according to the wiki i have to do Very complicated stuff (everyone says its easy but actualy only scripters and prgrammers can create "good" maps =/ )

Edited by thierry007

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Well yes, you need to script to create good maps, but the artillery with the SOM is simple to add. You just need to look at the sample SECOPS artillery mission from the wiki to see what you're missing. There is a command you need to run that actually tells the SOM module to allow you to call an artillery strike, and that command can only be run once the SOM module have finished initializing.

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here is how I did it:

sychronize the arty module with the group leader of your battery

name the arty module Ripper

synchronize the som module with your infantry group leader

name the som module som1

create a game logic

condition of the logic

som1 getVariable "initDone"

on activation of the logic

[["artillery_barrage"], player, [[RIPPER, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

if you want to call arty multiple times

create a trigger

activation radio alpha

on activation

[["artillery_barrage"], player, [[RIPPER, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

make sure your infantry group leader has a laser designator

All this works like a champ for me. You do have to wait a few seconds for the arty to be available, a hint on the screen will tell you. Hope this helps

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Zombie your thing works But all i have to do is activate it on the radio for it to be available but it works perfect =p ( i need to work out the min and max firing ranges tho)

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  thierry007 said:
Zombie your thing works But all i have to do is activate it on the radio for it to be available but it works perfect =p ( i need to work out the min and max firing ranges tho)

Check the other Artillery threads. There's a real big one that has a long discussion about various aspects of the Module. Not sure if range is discussed but it's worth a shot.

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  thierry007 said:
Zombie your thing works But all i have to do is activate it on the radio for it to be available but it works perfect =p ( i need to work out the min and max firing ranges tho)

Strange, it should work ONCE without the radio. When you call for arty, and are directed to give coordinates, the map will show the min and max ranges of the arty by drawing circles. AFAIK the mlrs max range will cover the entire playable area

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That will do fine for me =p Btw does more units in the battery increase the number of rounds in Fire for effect ? ( one of the last bombardments) edit: Manzilla ill try to find that one.

Edited by thierry007

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  thierry007 said:
That will do fine for me =p Btw does more units in the battery increase the number of rounds in Fire for effect ? ( one of the last bombardments) edit: Manzilla ill try to find that one.

yes, each gun will fire 9 or 10 times, so the bigger the battery the bigger the effect, tested only with m119 though, haven't tried with other pieces

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Okay I used D30's for this one. i will test it with 12 m119's later in the evening =] Okay about Artillery a CAS airstrike is artillery too right? How do i get that one?

Edited by thierry007

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  thierry007 said:
Okay I used D30's for this one. i will test it with 12 m119's later in the evening =] Okay about Artillery a CAS airstrike is artillery too right? How do i get that one?

no, airstrike is something else entirely. to use all the support options:

create trigger

activation game logic


som1 getVariable "initDone"

on activation:

[["transport", "aerial_reconnaissance", "tactical_airstrike","supply_drop"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

It's better to not put artillery in this one so you can have all the different arty options. when you call an airstrike, it will ask you where, click on the map, then shoot the target with your laser designator.

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  thierry007 said:
Understood sir! and trigger same as before radio alpha?

The first time you want to use them, just do it with a trigger activated by gamelogic. For subsequent requests yes, you need a radio trigger. I made a radio trigger for each request seperately ie:

radio bravo [["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

radio charlie [["aerial_reconnaissance", player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

and so on.

I have also discovered something in the wiki just this afternoon:

for the som to call arty, you don't need to create a battery in advance! It will create a virtual battery, seems to be about 3 guns. It says the virtual battery is m119's and I have tested it, all arty fire missions are available. I have already updated my mission wip. Change

[["artillery_barrage"], player, [[RIPPER, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

everywhere I told you before to

[["artillery_barrage"], player, [[]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

, this is great because you don't need to worry about min/max range or physically place a battery on the map. You need to use the method I described in earlier posts if you want a different type battery, or want more "realism", and pay attention to min/max.

Hope your mission is coming together as well as mine is! I missed a question in one of your earlier posts, a CAS airstrike is a jet or 2 coming over to bomb your target. It is a Harrier for west, dunno for east.

Edited by {USI}_Zombie

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Mm okay getting the targeting for CAS is hard ( since they flew over 4 times without drpping a bomb on the ground [laser was aiming there and the original target was a Blown up tank >.> and aiming CAS is hard too =p ) ANd i think in the mission im going to make a few changes Now i wonder... could i make a trigger to activate the possibility for airstrikes/artillery? ( lets say i reach waypoint 3 and at that moment Artillery becomes available )

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  thierry007 said:
Now i wonder... could i make a trigger to activate the possibility for airstrikes/artillery? ( lets say i reach waypoint 3 and at that moment Artillery becomes available )

I haven't tried it, but don't see why it wouldn't work with a trigger. Change the trigger from "radio Alpha" to west present, or whichever side.

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I've also had issues with airstrikes not dropping any bombs, even if there was an actual enemy target there. I didn't designate the target, but when the airstrikes did manage to work I didn't designate the target either. A laser does not seem to be required (though if you use it they will bomb the laser target rather than the map-marked location).

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==Reasonably long, but clear, post ahead!==

*I pretty much have two questions, one about arty and the SOM and one quick one about the Ambient Combat Module.*

I have MLRS working for me as arty for one time only (Ill show you the code I put in) but after that it isn't available. Now {USI}_Zombie said that you can, basically, pin the seperate SOM requests to "radio alpha, radio bravo" and so on. Where would I put this code you wrote?

{USI}_Zombie: The first time you want to use them, just do it with a trigger activated by gamelogic. For subsequent requests yes, you need a radio trigger. I made a radio trigger for each request seperately ie:
[b][color="red"]radio bravo[/color][/b] [["transport"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;
[b][color="Red"]radio charlie[/color][/b] [["aerial_reconnaissance", player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

So what I am asking is, how do I set up a radio trigger and where (what exactly) would I put that code? Thanks!

Also heres the code I used to get it working for one time only using the trigger I am running for SOM that also gives me, UAV recon and a huey transport choppa. :)

Trigger code ("condition" field):

this; som1 getVariable "initDone"

Trigger code ("on act" field):

[["transport","aerial_reconnaissance"], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", chp1; 
[["artillery_barrage"], player, [[]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; som1 setVariable ["TSS_vehicle_custom", arty1;

In the above code you can see I named the chopper and arty, chp1 and arty1 respectively, I.e. I stuck that in the units "name" field and in the above code, so that it has to recognise them. The arty wouldnt work until I randomly tried naming it, as I had done to make the evac chopper work properly. The size of the trigger is 200, covering pretty much the entire base I have built. It was covering the entire map but I made it smaller as I am going to try using several different triggers at the same time now, as I want to try this "radio trigger" business :).

Also a quick question about the Ambient Combat Module; I have stuck the code in the modules itselfs initiation 'field' thus:

ACM code (Initiation field):

waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; 
waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; 
[1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; 
[bIS_ACM, 300, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; [["USMC", "CDF", "RU"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; [0, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; 
[0.2, 0.5, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; 
["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 0, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc;

Now I think its working but as I have the secops module going aswell (which is giving me missions) I cant tell for definately if its working, now I am pretty sure it is but I just wanted to see if that code is all well and proper and that having it only in the modules "init" field is enough.

Thanks! Cant wait for more fun! :bounce3:

Edited by Terra
quick clarifycation

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for the radio alpha radio bravo etc, make a trigger, set it's activation to...radio alpha etc, and select repeatedly. You don't need to use these until you already called a support once, since the first time is enabled for you.

I haven't needed to name the arty or the transport chopper to get them to work. Put som1 getVariable "initDone" in a game logic's condition and then put

[[""transport"", ""aerial_reconnaissance"", ""tactical_airstrike"",""supply_drop""], player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

in the on activation. Then put another logic with som1 getvariable "initdone" and on activation

[[""artillery_barrage""], player, [[]]] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc;

, make sure you name your som module som1 to get it to work. If you are calling these with triggers and want it to work more than once, make sure you set the trigger to repeatedly also. Hope this helps, and I haven't messed with the acm so I can't help there. You can d/l my completed mission using all these concepts, as well as halo, from here the mission called random specop

Edited by {USI}_Zombie

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Hmmm you could also put the code for MLRS on radio alpha trigger and make it repeatable( it has a button for once or repeatably ) thats what i found out tho

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