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Simple Group spawn script

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I searching the forums for some time now...but i cant find a simple spawn (No Respawn !) script that spawns a group of soldier.

I want be able to:

- select side of the group

- select the unit type

- select the rank of the soldiers

- select the skill of the soldiers

- add waypoints

I find some scripts that have some of this inside, but i need one that does all.

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I´ve got a script and the respective syntax, but I am not able to get it working. Does anybody know the reason why?

_Marker = _this select 0;
_MarkerX = getMarkerSize _marker select 0;
_MarkerY = getMarkerSize _marker select 1;
_Markerdir = Markerdir _marker;

_side = _this select 1;
_totalwaypoints = _this select 2;
_totalgroups = _this select 3;

_unitspergroup = _this select 4;

_waypointtype = _this select 5;

_Targetmarker = _this select 6;
_targetmarkerX = getMarkerSize _Targetmarker select 0;
_targetMarkerY = getMarkerSize _targetmarker select 1;

private ["_light_armor", "_medium_armor", "_heavy_armor", "_AT_armor","_AA_armor", "_crew", "_soldierarray", "_RifleArray", "_rifleammo", "_MG","_MGammo", "_AT", "_ATammo", "_nonstringside","_Vehtype","_vehicle","_vehspawn","_vehtag","_AAveh","_AAveh","_AAspawn","_AAgroup","_nameside","_ATveh","_ATspawn","_ATgroup","_WPplace","_formationarray","_waypointtype","_markercolor"];

switch (_side) do
case "EAST":
_light_armor = ["UAZ_RU","UAZ_AGS30_RU"];
_medium_armor = ["GAZ_Vodnik_HMG","GAZ_Vodnik","BTR90","BMP3"];
_heavy_armor = ["T90","T72_RU","BMP3"];
_AT_armor = ["BMP3","T90","T72_RU"];
_AA_armor = ["2S6M_Tunguska"];
_crew = ["SoldierECrew"];
_soldierarray = ["RU_Soldier_SL","RU_Soldier_Spotter","RU_Soldier_GL","RU_Soldier_AR","RU_Soldier_AA","RU_Soldier_MG","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_AT","RU_Soldier_Medic","RU_Soldier","RU_Soldier2","RU_Soldier_LAT","RU_Soldier_Sniper","RU_Soldier_SniperH","RU_Soldier_Marksman"];
_RifleArray = ["AK_74","AK_74_GL"];
_rifleammo = "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
_MG = "PK";
_MGammo = "100Rnd_762x54_PK";
_AT = "RPG18"; 	
_ATammo = "RPG18" ;
_AA = "Strela";
_AAammo = "Strela";
_nonstringside = EAST;
_markercolor = "ColorRed";
_nameside = "EAST";
_side = "WEST";
_formationarray = ["NO CHANGE","WEDGE","ECH LEFT","ECH RIGHT","VEE","LINE","DIAMOND"];

if (_waypointtype == "GUARD") then
_trg=createTrigger["EmptyDetector",getmarkerpos _targetmarker]; 
_trg setTriggerArea[_targetmarkerX,_targetmarkerY,_targetmarkerdir,true];
call compile format [" _trg setTriggerActivation[""%1"",""%1 D"",true]; ", _side];
call compile format [" _trg settriggertype ""%1 G"" ",_side];
_trg setTriggerStatements["this", "", ""]; 

for [{_n = 1},{_n <= _totalgroups},{_n = _n+1}] do 
_spawnX = (getmarkerpos _marker select 0) + (random (_markerx)) - (random (_markerx));
_spawnY = (getmarkerpos _marker select 1) + (random (_markery)) - (random (_markery));
_spawnspot = [_spawnX,_spawnY,0];

grouptag = createGroup _nonstringside;

_leader = grouptag createUnit [(_soldierarray select (floor random count _soldierarray)), getMarkerPos(markertag), [], 0, "FORM"];
_leader setskill .5 + random .5;

unitcount = unitcount + 1;

for [{_w = 1},{_w <= _totalwaypoints},{_w = _w+1}] do 
_WPplace = [(getmarkerpos _targetmarker select 0) + (random (_targetmarkerx)) - (random _targetmarkerx),(getmarkerpos _targetmarker select 1) + (random (_targetmarkery)) - (random _targetmarkery),0];
_groupWP = grouptag addWaypoint [ _Wpplace , _w];

if (_w != 0) then {_groupWP setWaypointType _waypointtype;};
if (_w == 0) then {_groupWP setWaypointType _waypointtype;};
if ((_w == _totalwaypoints - 1 )) then {_groupWP setWaypointType "CYCLE";};
_groupWP setWaypointBehaviour "UNCHANGED";
_groupWP setWaypointFormation (_formationArray select (floor random count _formationArray));


	for [{_u = 0},{_u < _unitspergroup},{_u = _u+1}] do 

		_unit = (group _leader) createUnit [(_soldierarray select (floor random count _soldierarray)), position _leader, [], 0, "FORM"];

	_unit setskill .4 + random .6;
	_unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;
	unitcount = unitcount + 1;

sleep 1;


this is the respective syntax which I am about to use within a trigger,

["area","EAST",4,5,5,"GUARD","area"] execVM "Spawnunits.sqf";

My Problem is that I dont know what I am doing wrong. The scribt is causing no error but it is also not creating a group.

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Hi m8 :)

this ...

_Marker = _this select 0;
_MarkerX = getMarkerSize _marker select 0;
_MarkerY = getMarkerSize _marker select 1;
_Markerdir = Markerdir _marker;

and this ...

_Targetmarker = _this select 6;
_targetmarkerX = getMarkerSize _Targetmarker select 0;
_targetMarkerY = getMarkerSize _targetmarker select 1;

... could be a mistake, because I think Arma interprets this as follows:

_Marker = _this select 0;
_MarkerX = getMarkerSize (_marker select 0);
_MarkerY = getMarkerSize (_marker select 1);
_Markerdir = Markerdir _marker;

so please try this first:

_Marker = _this select 0;
_MarkerX = ((getMarkerSize _marker) select 0);
_MarkerY = ((getMarkerSize _marker) select 1);
_Markerdir = Markerdir _marker;

and this ...

_Targetmarker = _this select 6;
_targetmarkerX = ((getMarkerSize _Targetmarker) select 0);
_targetMarkerY = ((getMarkerSize _targetmarker) select 1);

maybe it helps you ;)



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Thanks Silola for your help, but unfortunately it hasn´t helped.

The script gets recognized by ArmA, so far so good, but it is not creating any units. The trigger is working, I checked this with a textmessage while execution.

I´ve used the variable "nul":

nul = ["Area","EAST",4,5,5,"GUARD","this"] execVM "scripts\spawnunits.sqf";

and a Marker named "Area", but nothings happened.

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Hi again,

I've tested your script and found one bug...


_leader = grouptag createUnit [(_soldierarray select (floor random count _soldierarray)), getMarkerPos(markertag), [], 0, "FORM"];


_leader = grouptag createUnit [(_soldierarray select (floor random count _soldierarray)), _spawnspot, [], 0, "FORM"];

now have fun :D



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