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Golden AK47? Shiny!

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Hi all

Brand new to "ARMA 2" having initially given it a wide berth due to the reports of bugs and my suspicion that it's specs would be a little too rich for my PC in any case. But having given into temptation I'm thrilled to say that it runs beautifully on the rig, far better than I have any right to expect. :D Sure I've found a few buggy niggles already, transport heli's that want to land on top of buildings, that kind of thing, but nothing that wouuld be a shock to anyone who played the original "ARMA" (or the addon) and nothing (so far) which is too much of a problem providing you follow the golden rule of "save often".

So far "ARMA2" is proving to be a really nice surprise, not only in the unexpectedly smooth performance on my machine, but also the change in the game mechanics. I'd not really read about the game extensively before taking the plunge, so I'm really only now discovering the clever way it handles multiple objectives in the early missions and now at "Razor 2" it seems to have turned into a bit of a sand pit. Excellent! Then of course on top of that...it sure is purdey!

But enough blarney already, I should be telling you why I'm writing. :)

As I mentioned above I've just reached "Razor 2" and have reached a point where I'm not so much "stuck", as just not sure how best to proceed.

Having spoken to the officer at the local base and had the three crosses marked on my map, then spoken to his local man and resisted the temptation (in the face of his rudeness) to tell him how cr** his army is. I decided to take my time rather than rush in all guns blazing, so ignoring the crosses I followed rude guys hot tip and flew over to the village.... um..... "Canttrememberovich", where I helped Mr Olegich with his pesky invader problem.

In return he told me how great I was (natch) and then suggested that I return to "Electrozadvask" and check out the Power Plant.

(Time to call in the transport. Here's a nice open area, come pick us up in the middle of this huge field please. Ah, here he comes.... erm... why is he hovering over that brick shack at the edge of the village? Um... he's definitely not got space to squeeze his rotor blades into that little....... oh dear. )

Having reached the Power Plant I found it deserted with the exception of a chap marked "Security Guard" who is standing alone and resolute by the closed gate. He won't talk to us although we're guns at ease and I feel a little sorry for him. I mean his co workers not only left him behind when they shipped out, but I'm guessing they didn't even tell him they were leaving! I reckon they snuck out of one of those big holes in the wall at the back while he stood with his back to them and I bet they snickered while they did it! Basts!

I searched the power plant from top to bottom. I climbed stairs, I went up ladders, I poked around on roofs and I spent ages staring at an electric cable running from an antenna atop one building, following it along trying to sniff out a possible secret entrance to a cellar which there appears to be windows for, but which presumably does not really exist.

Eventually I came up mostly empty on the clue front, except in one of the out buildings I did find a Golden AK47, which looked fairly impractical as a weapon for anyone who'd rather stay camouflaged, so I suspect that before I arrived they were actually filming a GANGSTA RAP video here and just forgot some of their props.

So that's where this Badger is at so far and based on this short "paws on" I have the following questions which I hope you'll be able to offer me wisdom with. It's been a tall order searching the forums for this topic already covered, without falling into spoilers I don't want. Even being really careful I already know things I'd rather not at this point, though of course the specific info I need is not among them. :)

1/ Am I supposed to be picking up Scaramanger's AK47?

2/ Am I supposed to be finding something else at the Power Station? Something cunningly hidden? Perhaps under an old tarpaulin, behind a broken pallet in a disused garage with a "Beware of the Rabid Mongoose" sign on the door?

3/ After I drove off the baddies at "Canttrememberovich" I had to replay from a save to get around the "creative" transport pilot and both times my character shouted something like "Stop right there..STOP YOU BAS***!!" as we wandered back toward the village. Anyone actually meet the "Bast***" in question? Because I could only see a confused looking Goat to the side of the track!

4/ Double clicking in the map screen to tell my transport where to go, produces big black cross in circle checkpoints. All well and good, except that they seem to stay there afterward and I now have about four on my map. I can see things getting pretty ugly before long. Anyone know how I can delete them?

Thanks guys, all the best.


Edited by FatBadger

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i found that too, didn't want to drop my m4 though so i left it there, i think its just an Easter egg.

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About double clicking on the map: That makes markers. Single click tells the pilot where to go.

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I just walked up to the guard after I helped clear Mr. Olegich's problem and I believe the security guard said something to me. I haven't played it in a while so I can't remember for sure.

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Thanks for the replies chaps.

About double clicking on the map: That makes markers. Single click tells the pilot where to go.

Yup, I worked this out yesterday while having another crack at it. :) Still have the big ugly waypoint markers on the map from my previous attempts though. Anyone have a clue as to how to get rid of them?

I just walked up to the guard after I helped clear Mr. Olegich's problem and I believe the security guard said something to me. I haven't played it in a while so I can't remember for sure.

"I'm keeping my mouth shut", is what this fellow said to me. After which I don't have an option to talk to him at all.

I'm going to assume in the absence of advice to the contrary, that there's nothing to find at the Power Plant beyond the AK47 and I'll move on to one of those red crosses to search next. From what I've read elsewhere in the forum. what and who you find, where and when, is more or less randomly generated anyway. Which I guess means that though I found nothing at the Power Station, some of you might have found something, which makes my question more difficult to answer that I had presumed. (Which I guess explains the high number of thread hits, v's the low number of replies :) )

So I'll back track and ask only the one question instead... any one know how to delete those unwanted waypoint markers?

Thanks all


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To delete markers hover over them then press "del" on your keybooard. Not Backspace.

Check out the most norther cross, find a quarry, and a have a looks at a castle. In that order. That should do it.

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To delete markers hover over them then press "del" on your keybooard. Not Backspace.

Thanks Nova :cool:

Check out the most norther cross, find a quarry, and a have a looks at a castle. In that order. That should do it.

Oh no you didn't!....... Now I have to go bang my head against a wall until this info falls out so I can rediscover it!!

Thanks all


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