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UAV useless

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Maybe im just stupid. But i cant find a way to stabilize the UAVs camera. Is there such a function in ArmA2? If not then the UAV is kinda useless. Its really hard to controll the camera while the UAV keeps on moving.


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You can adjust the speed and height to make the camera a bit easier. There's a couple youtube vids that even made it look like you can lock on a target, but I haven't sorted that out yet.

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The point of having a UAV on the battlefield is to give you situational awareness. As far as I can tell the one in the game is just a model aircraft for crashing and making you dizzy when you try to view the camera. Pointless.

why do you have to micro management every aspect of this game. Why can't the UAV operator paint you the picture for intelligence purposes? Please find me the enemy...yes sir? Why cant that happen? I might not want to operate it, so why can't I ask the UAV operator to do it for me....don't we have an army of trained Defence personnel to assist us?. At times it feels like amatuer hour in the game. Come on guys make us feel like we are part of a well oiled machine, instead of surrounded by dumb people!

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...don't we have an army of trained Defence personnel to assist us? At times it feels like amatuer hour in the game. Come on guys make us feel like we are part of a well oiled machine, instead of surrounded by dumb people!

Join the other side and play as a russian. Maybe that helps?


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