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Invisible to radar and targeting

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Looking to fix my Subs so they disappear (or partial) to radar when submerged.

Likely I'll have to do that by attaching and un-attaching a dumby visible "target" to the sub (when it surfaces/dives).

But for this to work I need the Sub itself to be invisible / hide in radar.

Rocket got some great effects with his F117, and it works in ArmAII the same way. The Tunguska is really confused !! :D Sometimes it spots the F117, other times not.

But its not clear how Rocket got this effect.

Is it only Configs or do you have to do something to the model as well?

.... and of course, will it translate from an air vehicle to a ship.

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Looking at USECs F117 config I've seen that Rocket has put

irtarget = false;

audible = 2; // bigger values easier to hear

camouflage = 0.4; // bigger values easier to detect

All these values mean that the vehicle won't be able to be targeted viar IR radar, and will be difficult to spot or hear. The camo value is only effective when the target is not attacked

If you add values in the cfgweapons or cfgammo (don't remember which one) setting a short distance for the weapons to be detected when fired you will have a ship that will be exceedingly difficult to detect

(I have ported your subs and done this modifications and enemy ships don't fire until you get nearer than 1 klick)

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