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removing vehicle from radar.

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Im working on a csar mission where one team are trying to find another team that are shot down.

The shot down team are starting at a destroyed huey with no maps so they need to communicate with a rescue team by explaining terrain features and so on. (both teams are players).

My problem is that the destroyed huey leaves a white dot on the radars of csar team (choppers) so it to easy to find the shot down team.

So my question is if there is a way to remove it from radar. Tried a search and only thing i could find was something back to ofp where it wasnt possible :confused:

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nop.. not unless you rewrite the config for that vehicle.

other way to do it is to make some sort of dialog hiding the radar.. overlaying it..

easyest way is to make that dialog, so people that want to play your mission dosent need the changed config "addon"

Edited by nuxil

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Maybe you can use a wreck. Maybe they don't appear on radar.

I don't think there's a UH60 wreck any more unfortunately, but there is a UH1Wreck.

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