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ARMA2 Stops Working with 1.03

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Hey everyone. So, I patched to 1.03 and now when I'm loading the campaign mission, it gets to the load screen and then I get the "ARMA 2 Has stopped working and needs to close" or whatever, error. Everything ran fine (well, there were the ai bugs haha) with 1.02 and now I can't even play because it crashes. Any ideas?

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Considering that many people have problems but only a few ones have a no more running application so I guess that the Problem is up to you.

OPF and all what comes after that was always, and I guess always will be, pretty perrish about the way how to get installed.

I´ve a seperated partition of my Harddrive for Arma and a further seperated one for ArmA2 as well. Nothings else as ArmA/ArmA2 can be found there. 30 GB for only one application can cause miracles.

Additionally to this I always keep my sys clean and run defrag as often as I think it´s necessary and I dont have any problems about reported overall in the Forums. My only Problems are the fixed or better explained not fixed issues as there are AI behaviour and sound realted things. The rest works fine.

I suggest you to reinstall it on a clean system far away from your OS partition, believe me, it´ll take a magic effect...

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I'm getting "ArmA2 has stopped working" since patch 1.03, and with ArmA2 being installed on a separate 10k raptor drive too. No magic, something is busted with 1.03.

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i get the same message (when i use the shorcut) but i am able to load arma using yoma though

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I'm getting "ArmA2 has stopped working" since patch 1.03, and with ArmA2 being installed on a separate 10k raptor drive too. No magic, something is busted with 1.03.

So what now guys? I checked again and I haven´t got this problem....may be it is an self caused issue. One of my teammates think it could be a GFX Card issue. I dont know where the problem is there but actually noone of our Teams has Problems like this.

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