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can AI still see through clutter grass in 1.03?

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I think this is the root cause of misunderstanding about why "grass" is an issue for so many players. First, you need to distinguish between the foliage that is built into the map versus the grass which is a dynamically added visual element.

Of course I'm talking about the dynamically rendered grass, that's where the issue is at (though sometimes the AI also sees through "static" bushes too well but that issue is less common).

While the AI should still know where you are when you go prone in the grass, look at the following situation:

Both me and the AI are in front of eachother at 20m. For some magical reasons we didn't kill eachother and decided to both go prone. Now I have no chance in hell of hitting him (can shoot in his general location and hope for the best, but no way am I going to have a good hit rate). The AI will have 100% hit rate. This is not realistic, not balanced and not fair - and needs to be fixed.

And I still think that the grass in Chernarussia is quite extreme. I wonder if that's really a "that's how those islands should be" decision or a "let's make it look pretty with lots of grass" decision...

And of course the no rendering of grass to players is a big deal as well, but at least we know they're trying to fix that.

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Oh my god, why do you talk about it so deeply? All we need is the fake grass layer well known from Arma: Armed Assault. It was so good.

I used to play airsoft a lot and hiding in, especially tall, grass (even if spoted) is totally esential, cause you can confuse enemies seeking for you. Jesus, it so simple and clear. Functional grass view blocking for AI is needed.

And we did not mentioned sniper issue yet.

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I'm tired of AI who have X-ray vision and see through grass.

Where can i download the mod which reduces grass?

I'm sure i have seen a such mod somewhere but i can't find it anymore =(

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I got shot and killed out of no where

Behind trees, laying down prone in dense grass with no movement

In fog and heavy rain all at night


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