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Guerilla Fighting

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Hey everyone,

im looking for somone to help me develop or at least point me in the right direction for making this script.

I need a script able to;

A) Detect if _this has a weapon? maybe exclude the rock weapon from this list so you can just have rocks otherwise enemies will shoot at you? I used SetCaptive before but im not sure what conidition i used,

B) When you get into a russian vehicle you become SetCaptive False, ie hijacking a russian vehicle.

C) When you hide for _x amount of time you are reset setcaptive True.


is it possible for A.I. to have conversations between themselves, ongoing? Or at least show it so it looks like an active checkpoint and then when you engage they stop talking, ovbiousbly and engage.



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For C, you'll likely want to use 'knowsabout', and setcaptive when it reaches 0.

For B, vehicle player. Easy enough.

A I'm not sure about, and can't access ArmA to test. There is http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/weapons, but I haven't used it before, so can't be sure of its use. Likley you'll be wanting to test if it returns a null array, but I can't be specific, sorry. If nothing else, this will bump the thread for someone who knows what they're doing will see it and help you :p

The AI conversation is indeed possible - but I'm out of time. If nobody comes along beforehand, the random coversation between AI has it's own little script (I believe it's annotated, from memory) in the de-pbo'd add-ons in the game. Search there if no one has it handy.

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Thanks Cellus ill look into it, and which addons should i depbo for scripts such as these?

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Yeah I'm curious about the idle chatter as well. I've had a mission involving a checkpoint and I've wanted a good way for units to look as though they are having a conversation or something amongst themselves, anybody else know about this stuff?

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Oh, it's well worth de-pbo'ing all the add-ons that come with the game. This one is in characters/scripts:

File: selectRandomSentence.sqf
Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land

Analyzes conversation partners and determines which tags should be used 
in selecting a sentence. A random matching sentence is then returned.

_this select 0: 'this' - speaking party - person for who tags are determined (Object)
_this select 1: 'from' - spoken to party (Object)

Sentence (String)

private ["_personThis", "_personFrom"];
_personThis = _this select 0;
_personFrom = _this select 1;

private ["_tags"];
_tags = ["greeting", "question"];

//Determine partner combination.
private ["_typeTag", "_sideThis", "_sideFrom"];
_sideThis = side _personThis;
_sideFrom = side _personFrom;

if (_sideThis == civilian) then 
_typeTag = "civilianTo";
_typeTag = "combatantTo";	

if (_sideFrom == civilian) then 
_typeTag = _typeTag + "Civilian";	
_typeTag = _typeTag + "Combatant";

_tags = _tags + [_typeTag];

//Two combatants are speaking to one another.
if (_typeTag == "combatantToCombatant") then 
//TODO: Does this apply to player? Or should he have the option to speak still?
//Determine combat situation.
private ["_behaviour"];
_behaviour = behaviour _personThis;

if ((_behaviour == "COMBAT") || (_behaviour == "STEALTH")) then 
	_tags = _tags + ["inCombat"];	
	_tags = _tags + ["notInCombat"];	

//Determine rank difference.
private ["_rankTag", "_rankIdThis", "_rankIdFrom"];
_rankIdThis = rankId _personThis;
_rankIdFrom = rankId _personFrom;

if ((typeName _rankIdThis) != (typeName 0)) then 
	_rankIdThis = 0;

if ((typeName _rankIdFrom) != (typeName 0)) then 
	_rankIdFrom = 0;

if (_rankIdThis > _rankIdFrom) then 
	_rankTag = "toLowerRank";
	if (_rankIdThis < _rankIdFrom) then 
		_rankTag = "toHigherRank";
		_rankTag = "toSameRank";

_tags = _tags + [_rankTag];

//Speaking to a lower-ranking combatant.
if (_rankTag == "toLowerRank") then 
	_tags = _tags + ["to" + (rank _personFrom)];

//Determine instigator morale.
//TODO: When negative, often don't approach at all?
private ["_morale"];
_morale = morale _personThis;

if (_morale > 0.3) then 
_tags = _tags + ["positive"];
if (_morale < 0) then 
	_tags = _tags + ["negative"];
	_tags = _tags + ["neutral"];

//Determine gender combination.
private ["_womanThis", "_womanFrom"];
_womanThis = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _personThis) >> "woman");
_womanFrom = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _personFrom) >> "woman");

if ((_womanThis == 1) && (_womanFrom != 1)) then 
_tags = _tags + ["femaleToMale"];
if ((_womanThis != 1) && (_womanFrom == 1)) then 
	_tags = _tags + ["maleToFemale"];
	if ((_womanThis != 1) && (_womanFrom != 1)) then 
		_tags = _tags + ["maleToMale"];
		_tags = _tags + ["femaleToFemale"];

//Determine time of day.
if ((dayTime > 6) && (dayTime < 12)) then 
_tags = _tags + ["morning"];
if ((dayTime > 16) && (dayTime < 22)) then 
	_tags = _tags + ["evening"];
	if ((dayTime >= 22) || (dayTime <= 6)) then 
		_tags = _tags + ["night"];
		_tags = _tags + ["day"];

//Determine surrender status.
if (captive _personThis) then 
_tags = _tags + ["surrendered"];
_tags = _tags + ["notSurrendered"];	

//Select random, matching greeting and gesture.
//We want to access the config only once.
if (isNil "BIS_coreTalkSentences") then 
BIS_coreTalkSentences = [];
BIS_coreTalkTags = [];

private ["_cfgTalkSentences"];
_cfgTalkSentences = configFile >> "CfgTalkSentences";

for "_i" from 0 to ((count _cfgTalkSentences) - 1) do 
	private ["_candidate"];
	_candidate = _cfgTalkSentences select _i;

	BIS_coreTalkSentences = BIS_coreTalkSentences + [configName _candidate];
	BIS_coreTalkTags = BIS_coreTalkTags + [getArray(_candidate >> "tags")];

//Make a list of candidates which match all given tags.
private ["_candidates"];
_candidates = [];

for "_i" from 0 to ((count BIS_coreTalkSentences) - 1) do 
private ["_candidate", "_candidateTags"];
_candidate = BIS_coreTalkSentences select _i;
_candidateTags = BIS_coreTalkTags select _i;

//Are all tags in this candidate?
if (({_x in _candidateTags} count _tags) == (count _tags)) then 
	_candidates = _candidates + [_candidate];

//TODO: remove.
//debugLog (format ["Log: %1", _tags]);

//Select a random sentence from the candidates.
private ["_sentence"];
_sentence = _candidates select (floor (random (count _candidates)));


I don't play with AI, so can't be more help than that.

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