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Picture or Icon??

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in character2 config for USMC_Soldier_MG we're have

Picture = "\Ca\characters\data\Ico\i_null_CA.paa";
Icon = "\Ca\characters2\data\icon\i_machinegunner_CA.paa";

can someone explain me where in game we are see "picture" and where we are see "icon"???

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The picture represents the 'rank' icon on top of each team members picture in the bottom strip on the main screen.

The Icon is the map icon for the unit on the game map.


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Picture = the picture that represents the unit in the leaders team bar (the buttom bar where you can see who is in your team and witch number they have....sniper picture, medic picture, mg picture etc...)

Icon = the icon that represents the unit on the 2D map. (soldier icon, tank icon, building icon etc...).

Hope i'm correct and it is clear.

EDIT: Getting slower each day....Planck beat me.

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thanx alot)

but i'm confused by reply as before// as i think in A2 we' have a portrait for

the buttom bar where you can see who is in your team and witch number they have....sniper picture, medic picture, mg picture etc

right?? or wrong?? picture disbled in a2??

or picture for medic(by xample) only "red cross" in the portrait corner?? right??? or......

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It used to be that for infantry, the unit's weapon(s) (ex. sniper, machinegunner, AT soldier, etc..) would determine their picture in the team bar, and the unit's "Picture" would be laid over it (ex. medic, officer, special forces icons). I don't know if this is still the case in ArmA 2 with portraits of the unit instead of silhouettes of their weapon loadout.

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It used to be that for infantry, the unit's weapon(s) (ex. sniper, machinegunner, AT soldier, etc..) would determine their picture in the team bar, and the unit's "Picture" would be laid over it (ex. medic, officer, special forces icons). I don't know if this is still the case in ArmA 2 with portraits of the unit instead of silhouettes of their weapon loadout.

The picture can be any picture (RGBA) given it follows suqare size laws (i have mine at 128x128). To make your addons pic fit with game ones set ur bulldozer to textures off, materials off and take a screen. Then in your alpha channel mask the object.

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