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3D Editor

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All i want to make is a death match game and be able to change the size of the map. (Not just one city block.) I found the ALT E editor that looks cool but when i go to save the map it says ( You must have at least one playable unit before you can save the mission.) How do i make a playable unit? When i go to unit, the box does not have anything in the drop down menu to choose from. Can some one fill me in Please?


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RTE 4. if i have the right version. I cant get it to load a map or view anything in the window. Do i use the RTE Capture? I gave it the dir. but i can get it to do much else..


I get a (armed assault not found.Please start arma and try agian.)

This is for arma 2 right?

Edited by 21chip

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It says it requires CBA also, did you download that too?

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The "Alt-E" editor is unfinished, unofficial and undocumented. RTE 4/V is for ArmA. "RTE V for ArmA II" is for ArmA II, but still in Alpha stages.

What exactly are you trying to do that you can't do with the normal Editor and scripts? The "map" is 225km sq. Not sure how that isn't big enough for ya. :)

Edited by kylania

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Ah totallly missed that "change the size of the map". Probably wants to limit the playing area. Just use triggers that detect when people are Not Present :)

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All i want to make is a death match game and be able to change the size of the map. (Not just one city block.) I found the ALT E editor that looks cool but when i go to save the map it says ( You must have at least one playable unit before you can save the mission.) How do i make a playable unit? When i go to unit, the box does not have anything in the drop down menu to choose from. Can some one fill me in Please?


Just place a center anywher on the map called blufor and then a group for blufor then your unit it is very simple when u get the hang of it.

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you might be interested in my PVPSCript pack - this comes with a DM template and you get features such as anti-gimp, minefields for no-go zones, persistent weapon loadout, score HUD etc. See my sig for details.

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do you plan to finish the 3D Editor and to release it in one of the next patches? Are you still working on it or is it on ice for the next time?

I hope you will release it soon, for me and i think for a lot of the community its a main feature!

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