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Switch camera/Teleport?

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How exactly do you switch to an enemy 'camera' in the map editor?

Also, how do you teleport to a new position?

This video (by a member of this forum, I believe) shows it:


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To teleport, put this

onmapsingleclick "player setpos _pos"

in your units init line.

For camera, place a unit (I use a civilian) and place

 this exec "camera.sqs"

in the unit's init line. Once your in camera mode,whenever you press the LMB, or fire button, numbers are now stored for that shot location. Alt/tab out of Arma2 and open a text editor, aka, Notepad, and Paste the numbers there. Thats a start, use one of the guides to help you with the rest of camScripting.

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unitname switchcamera "external" is what there using in that video..

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