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Old Fart (Bob) - Put in Windows #7 - Need some advice

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Hi All!

Sorry I have not been back on to check messages, but my son helped me put on windows #7. I really like the new things but #1 son says I should optimize somewhat. We had a problem even he could not solve. When we installed the new windows, apparently we installed it on another hard drive, not the one that the xp was on. So he said we now have 2 systems, and it asks me when I start which one I want to use. Not a big deal but he mentioned that it might be a good idea to use the spare drive to install games on. We tried to format my D drive but because of the old system residing on it, the new windows would not let us format. Does anyone know how i can format the drive and remove the old windows, then I can install the game. Also, what are the best things to do with this to improve the overhead, or optimize for the game? Any help would be very much appreciated.

I wanted to thank you guys for mentioning that I had extra memory and this new windows can take advantage of it and improve a few things. It took forever to get it downloaded. My son put it on a DVD and everthing went well after that except the issue above.

Also, I dont seem to have the control panel that comes with nvidio drivers. I found the driver but dont recognize the version is from the device manager. It says it is from nvidia and dated 2/26/2009. I guess I could try it. If it doesnt work, do I use a Vista windows driver or do they have the windows #7 drivers?



Edited by BDG

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As far as formatting the hard drive go's, you can't exactly do that.

The way it works is that all the information telling what to do when you turn the computer on (little more complex than that, but brief explaination) is on that first hard drive. It's like a key to a door. If you remove the key (you first hard drive) then you can't get through the door (Windows 7)

That said, there is something you can do but it requires reinstalling Windows 7 again.

Keep in mind that doing any of these things can wipe out everything on your hard drives, including documents, installed games, apps, everything, so don't do this unless you are comfortable with it.

(if you're happy with everything now then best suggestion is to leave it as it is, it also allows you to be able to go back to Windows XP if you have any problems)

First you have to make sure that Windows 7 is actually on a seperate hard drive and not just a seperate partition (as in a different physical hard drive inside your machine, each physical hard drive can be broken into several partitions making them seem like new hard drives), keep in mind that this only applies to it being a new physical hard drive. If it's a different partition then during the Windows 7 setup you can delete both partitions (this will wipe out everything on your hard drives so be careful) and create a new partition (or several new partitions) the sizes you want them to be.

If it is a different physical hard drive then you have to change the boot order in Bios. You do this by restarting your machine and hitting the del key (hit it many times if you like) while the machine is starting up (it may be a different key, but watch at the start and it'll usually say "hit x to go into setup/bios" X being the key to hit)

This will take you into Bios. Have a look at your motherboard manual to see what to do here, but basically you're looking for something along the lines of "boot order". From here you have to select the 2nd hard drive (the one you want Windows 7 on). After that, save the changes to Bios and restart your machine.

Place the Windows 7 disk in the drive and install Windows 7 just as you did before, you should now be running just Windows 7 from that drive, and your original hard drive should have a different letter (don't get them confused). Your Windows 7 will be installed on C:, the 2nd hard drive will most likely be d: (or another letter higher up)

From there you can go into start menu (windows orb at bottom left of screen) -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management. While there you will have a list of drives/partitions. You'll want to select the drive that corresponds to your old Windows XP hard drive, right click and choose : delete volume. From here you can create it into a new partition/volume and format it fresh.

As for the Nvidia drivers. Goto www.nvidia.com and search for the newest drivers for your card. You may not need them as Windows 7 comes with it's own set of drivers but they don't work as well, and don't use nvidia control panel as well, as the new drivers and updating drivers is rarely a bad thing.

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Hi Bob, I just replyed in your other thread but maybe that isn't needed anymore. :)

You now have both Win XP and Win 7, BUT the Win 7 is only a 'demo'-version it will expire around... april/may (will have to check that, but you probably have an email from microsoft telling this aswell) As you are now able to 'test' if you like this new version I would recommend keeping the old one for just a while. So you have something to fall back on, either if you don't actually enjoy the new windows or if you haven't bought a full version of win7 when it's out but your demo is expired.

If you have the winXP installer this offcourse isn't a problem at all.

To remove winXP from your second hard drive, you could do this with the win7 installer.

microsoft has a great instructions site

If you would unfold Step 3: Install the Windows 7 RC

you should follow step 1-5

when you come at step 6 choose:

If you want to create, extend, delete, or format a partition, click Drive options (advanced), click the option you want, and then follow the instructions. Click Next to begin the installation. (If the Drive options (advanced) option is disabled, you need to start your computer using the installation disc.)

At this point you format the partition/drive where winXP is on. Follow the steps to format, but don't go further. After that you close the installer setup and remove the DVD before restarting again.

Hope this helps,


EDIT: Just too late, and Bulldogs explination is way better. :)

Edited by ParaGraphic L

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Bless your heart Bob I just replied to your other thread but not quick enough. I hope you get everything going your way and can get down to enjoying the game. For a laugh read the other thread.

Hint: Don't remove the WinXP installation quite yet..



Edited by Akilez
If it wasn't for typos my life would be damn near perfect.

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Hi Guys,

Well it has been an experience for me. Actually very interesting. I am blessed with patience I think. Many lockups and freezes but finally found the video driver that seems to work. It is #185.85. This control panel has way to many options LOL. Combine these options with the video options in the game and you have way to many things that can go wrong. And when it does, I think you just need to pull straws. I just selected game defaults and defaults in windows #7 control panel and all is working fine. It looks like I am getting a good picture. Now if I can figure out what the hell is going on around me. I have died already 20 times. The communications I hear are overlapped and cant figure out what everyone is saying. I guess I just keep trying. I showed my wife and she just rolled her eyes. Most of time she will take fun out to the forest and shoot it. Hope all of you are doing good.

Thanks for all your help


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