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Problem with attachTo

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I am using some of this code:


By Tajin

This is how my code look like now.

_spawntype = "HMMWV_M2";

_bpos = C1 ModelToWorld [0,-12,-5.5];

_bomb = _spawntype createVehicle _bpos;
_bomb setpos _bpos;
_bomb setDir direction _bpos;
_chute = "ParachuteMediumWest" createVehicle getpos _bomb;
_chute setpos (_bomb ModelToWorld [0,0,3]);
_bomb attachTo [_chute,[0,0,0]];
sleep 0.05;

Ok, I have a C-130J named C1 on my map who is flying.

When my code is in action, there is a spawn of a HMMWV_M2 and its moving towards the ground. But now Chute is there, I cant get this chute to spawn and attachTo the car.

Whats wrong?

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I think this line will cause it to exit the script with an error, at least it did when I tried it a few days ago.

_bomb setDir direction _bpos;

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_bpos is a position, so it doesn't have a direction.

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If I remember right I tried that junker and it will work but it won't line the vehicle up with the aircraft.

I don't think I ever did get it lining up for some reason.

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_spawntype = "HMMWV_M2";

_bpos = C1 ModelToWorld [0,-12,-5.5];

_bomb = _spawntype createVehicle _bpos;
_bomb setpos _bpos;
_bomb setDir direction C1;
_chute = "ParachuteMediumWest" createVehicle getpos _bomb;
_chute setpos (_bomb ModelToWorld [0,0,3]);
_bomb attachTo [_chute,[0,0,0]];
sleep 0.05;

If u mean this?

That did not work. =(

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If I remember right I tried that junker and it will work but it won't line the vehicle up with the aircraft.

I don't think I ever did get it lining up for some reason.

Try lining up the chute instead :)

Edit: heres a version i did

_plane = _this select 0
_dir = Direction _plane

_truck = "LAV25" createvehicle getpos _plane
_truck setdir _dir
_truck setpos [getpos _plane select 0, getpos _plane select 1,(getpos _plane select 2) -10]
_chute = "ParachuteBigWest" createvehicle getpos _truck
_chute setpos [getpos _truck select 0, getpos _truck select 1,(getpos _truck select 2) -0]
_chute setdir _dir

_truck attachTo [_chute,[0,0,0]] 

_vel = Velocity _plane;
_speed = -50;
_chute setvelocity [(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir* _speed),(_vel select 1)+(cos _dir* _speed),(_vel select 2)]
_truck setvelocity [(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir* _speed),(_vel select 1)+(cos _dir* _speed),(_vel select 2)]

Edited by Junker

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You were right about the Chute Junker worked ok.

I also like the velocity version as it makes it look less faked.

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Good idea about the velocity.

The setvelocity for the truck should be obsolete though, as it's already attached.

Oh, just a sidenote: If you dont wan't to use sin/cos you could always divide and multiply the speedvectory by the total speed.

like this:

_vel = Velocity _plane;
_spd = speed _plane;
_thing setVelocity [(_vel select 0) / _spd * _targetspeed,(_vel select 1) / _spd * _targetspeed,(_vel select 2) / _spd * _targetspeed]

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I've also added a bit and this can be just tacked on at the end.

_ndir   = 0;
_ndir   = getdir _chute;
_speed  = (random 0.02)+0.06;
_rotdir = (random 4)-2;

while {((getpos _truck select 2) >2)} do
_ndir = _ndir + _rotdir;
	_chute setdir _ndir;
		sleep _speed;
detach _truck;
_chute setvelocity [(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir* _speed),(_vel select 1)+(cos _dir* _speed),(_vel select 2)];

To vehicles it adds a bit of rotation on the way down and unattaches the chute from the truck a few feet off the ground so the vehicles don't sink in the ground. It also adds a bit of velocity to the chute to get it clear of the truck and stops it staying vertical for a while.

I'd like to add a bit of dust next when it lands.

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Ew, looks like I threw you guys a bone and you're making a nice steak out of it. ^^

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