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"WAR-3-Front" Russian version 1.0

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Greetings to all!

With pleasure are ready to present you network company "WAR-3-Front".

Now about that that waits for you in the company:


Three directions of capture of Chernorusi. Three fronts which you can take simultaneously or on

Separateness. Northern front, the central front and the most sated southern front. On all

Directions you will encounter persistent resistance of the opponent.

After a city capture on one of fronts the following city of this front is activated. It can

To consist of two or even three zones which it is necessary to smooth out.

It is important to move in directions on which there are airports, as at an airport capture

In the field there will be your aircraft. It will be possible to take planes and helicopters on them.

On all fronts after a capture of a line of cities (grasp all zones which have opened on this front!)

There will be a hospital. With its help it is possible not only will undergo treatment, but also will move on base

Having typed 002. As it is possible will go from the central base on any of fronts, to approach to the staff

Armored troop-carrier-90. About hospitals there are cars on which you can to reach a following city. The car

Will return to hospital if you throw it or it will be destroyed.

But the most fascinating is change of your appearance depending on your rank.

You will begin the simple soldier, then to you will give the form of the sergeant and further at each change in

Rank you will receive the new form of clothes. Thus all players will see who near to

Them the major or the private soldier.

The technics most part потереной you in fight will appear on base But it concerns only cars

And to helicopters. All caterpillar will stand burnt down on that place where have been destroyed. To you

It is necessary to repair them there. If you do not repair padded unit in a current of three hours it will return

On base. Be not frightened if having arrived on a marker of padded technics you see its burnt down. Adjust

To it the repair truck also press 001, the technics will begin is repaired and to be loaded by the weapon. For convenience

We have made transportation of technics by helicopters, but only cars.

Remain on a death place:

Т-90, Т-72, BMP-2, BMP-3, Tunguska, Shilka,

Kamaz Rep, Kamaz Refuel, Kamaz ammo,

The medical Water-transport worker.

Attention! All Uraly of support come back to a parking point.

On base the flag has a box with the weapon. In which will be accessible in conformity to your rank

The weapon. It is enough to you to take the things necessary to you and they will be at you always after death. If it is necessary you

Can change the complete set. We Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð³Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ system consists of 10 ranks. On each rank to you will be

To open the new technics.

The private soldier - 0 points (the unaided technics, civil cars)

The sergeant - 10 points

The foreman - 30 points (armoured vehicles will open)

Ml. The lieutenant - 60 points

The lieutenant - 100 points

The item the Lieutenant - 150 points

The captain - 200 points (Mi-24 and Su-25 will open)

The major - 300 points

The lieutenant colonel - 400 points

The colonel - 500 points (Ka-52 will open)

As for certain merits you can be awarded medals. 16 medals for various achievements.

For the destroyed technics, aircraft, soldiers of the opponent. For the help to the and technics repairing. For a capture

Cities and big kol-in the typed points. The higher medal of 1000 points. All medals will be displayed in

The menu after your death. In the same menu you can look a rank, points and medals of other players.

For support of players on base there is an artillery. When you will type points on a rank of the lieutenant you

Can set co-ordinates, having moved or having reached to artillery positions. Be attentive

At input of co-ordinates to figures on a card it is necessary to add two signs. It will look approximately


Co-ordinates GPS - 350.015

Input for management of shooting

Longitude - from 35000 to 35099

Width - from 1500 to 1599

Accuracy to metre!

In cities you are waited for by ten soldiers of the opponent and a heavy armour. You will attack

Enemy aircraft and divisions of scouts. The city capture considers presence at a zone less

Five units of the opponent. Remained will start to recede in the following city on this front. After a capture

Zones on a card there will be a black circle. Go to it there there will be stand a bus on which you can

To reach a following city.

The city of Krasnostav consisting of six zones will be a final point. In it there will be a considerable quantity

The soldier and technicians of the opponent. It becomes accessible only if you have passed all three fronts from the beginning

Up to the end.

We wish you good game!!!!!

We express huge gratitude to commands "Patriot", "Arma-Tushino" and "Berkut" for the help in carrying out


And as many thanks "Bohemia Interactive" for creation "Arma 2" also we wish good luck in the subsequent


All offers on additions and improvement of certain functions of the player we ask to state after release

Versions 1.1. At present "WAR-3-Front" it is essentially reduced. The scenario is written, will deviate from

It we will not be. We ask to concern with understanding. Thanks.

We require sponsor's support!

Yours faithfully Slon and Qwertt

Here - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6544

Here - http://exfile.ru/52211

Edited by Qwertt

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The mission is very beautiful, but unfortunately in the game in Russian! I can not Russian!

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Yes we will necessarily make the version for USA. While there are small errors and we would like to debug mission of the Russian version. Test mission Russian groups and so it is easier to us to communicate with testers. English average at us.

One I can tell precisely, version 1.1 it will be obligatory with "WAR-3-Front-USA". It is our duty to give the chance to use our product to English-speaking users. We will try not to tighten with release.

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We ask to help with creation of the American version. 16 medals of the American army in high quality are necessary for us. From the lowest to the higher. If at whom that is the reference to a site with qualitative pictures give it pls.

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From jellybean6882's post

USMC Enlisted Rank Structure:

E-1 Private (PVT)

E-2 Private First Class (PFC)

E-3 Lance Corporal (LCPL)

E-4 Corporal (CPL) - Junior NCO

E-5 Sargeant (SGT) - NCO

E-6 Staff Sargeant (SSGT) - SNCO

E-7 Gunnery Sargeant (GSGT) - SNCO

E-8 Master Sargeant (MSGT) : Field Operative

E-8 First Sargeant (1stSgt) : Administrative Rank BEHIND THE DESK

E-9 Master Gunnery Sargeant (MGSGT) : Field Operative

E-9 Sargeant Major (SGTMAJ) : Administrative Rank BEHIND THE DESK

I don't have the commissioned officers ... if anyone can help out here.

Thanks for porting this to English Qwertt!

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This rank sestem in mission now.

If is wrong, pls correct me


"Private first class",



"Second lieutenant",

"First lieutenant",



"Lieutenant colonel",


We needed 16 medals in perfect quality.

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I found two websites about USMC ranks and ribbons/medals:



I hope this helps. By the way, the lowest rank "Private" is not mentioned. He does not have any insignia.

Do you also need such information for the US Army which will appear in the Arrowhead addon?

Edited by Alpha-Kilo

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