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Bordering Area with signs ?

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how can i bordering a area with signs with a script ? I tried that one that works for ArmA1 but it dosent work in ArmA 2...

I dont want to place hundreds of signs manually....

Anyone knows a script for that ?

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what error(s) do you get in the RPT log?

Perhaps its simple as changing the class name of the signs.

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What is RPT ?

I place a empty H in the middle of the area i wont to border...then in the init of the empty H i put:

Bereich1 = [this,400,400,100,10] execVM "area.sqf"

Thats from Mr. Murrays Editing Guide for ArmA1 but it dont works.

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You find the RPT log


C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA




Open it with notepad or wordpad.

The problems should be at the end of the file.

I don't have that script btw.

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My PVP script pack can do this. You'll need a little knowledge of scripting if you want to use the 'region' functionality on its own though.

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Here ya go.

The original area.sqf had "Danger" had to change to "Sign_Danger" (for Arma 2)

//3rd - y axis
//4th - how many tables (markers) have to be placed
//5th - angle of elipse

_xPos = position (_this select 0) select 0;
_yPos = position (_this select 0) select 1;

_howBigA = _this select 1;
_howBigB = _this select 2;
_tablesC = _this select 3;
_angle = _this select 4;

_i = 0;

while {_i < 360} do {
_x = (_howBigA * (sin _i));
_y = (_howBigB * (cos _i));
_x_rot = _xPos + _x*(cos _angle) - _y*(sin _angle);
_y_rot = _yPos + _x*(sin _angle) + _y*(cos _angle);
_k = createVehicle ["Sign_Danger",[_x_rot, _y_rot,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
_m = createMarker [format ["Marker" + str _i],[ _x_rot, _y_rot,0]];
format ["Marker" + str _i] setMarkerType "Dot";
_k setDir _i;
format ["Marker" + str _i] setMarkerDir (_i - _angle);
_i = _i + (360/_tablesC);

Oh and if you are after some sort of mine field once someone crosses the border, you'll need to setup some triggers.

Edited by Horrace

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