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LittleBirds BigBattle Map beta - Someone wants to test?

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War - War never changes...

You will find yourself placed on a barnyard which has been rebuild by the US Army to a secret outpost. Your aim is it to defend this base at any price.

You will have several weapons for defending the base, these are HUMVEE HMVs, Static Machineguns of different calibersl, Weapon Crates with Special Weaponary and of course a bunch of AH-6 LittleBirds.

Version 2.01 / 11.12.2009


Required mods/addons:

Little Birds in ArmA2 by Cyborg112 (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74856)


Yesterday, we have successfully attacked and destroyed several heavy weapon factories of the Guerrillas Army. Informants report that the Guerrillas are now planing a counter attack with a massive flying army.

They will kill and destroy every US troup they encounter. Our outpost has to be defended at any price!

Destroy AH-6 LittleBirds

Informants report from a squadron of AH-6 LittleBird choppers on their way to attack our outpost. Try to eliminate as many as possible!

Destroy MI8 MTV-3

Informants do also report that MI8 MTV-3 (Codename 'Hip') helicopters are in the near and searching for our troups and outposts. Watch out for these heavy killer machines especailly!

Destroy incoming Jeeps

Informants also let us know that Guerrillas on Jeeps will search the surrounding areas next to our outpost. Watch out for them!

Weather Forecast:

It is late afternoon and it looks like it is becomming another rainy day in autumn. Night is approaching. Enemies will use Nightvision and so will you when the sun has set!


- Arcade like gameplay

- Script to handle vehicle/units damage much more arcade-like

- Nice location with many things to discover

- Great atmosphere

- Vehicle respawn

- Briefing, notes and hints and tickable objectives

- Several enemies challenging your abilities again and again

- Pure action

- Dog Fights of your dreams

Map does not feature Team-AI so when you play you need to have real players join in order to not play alone.

Map is intended to be played by more than 1 player. All players will fight against AI and defend the base against dozens of enemies!


Unpack and put the pbo to your Arma 2 "MPMissions" folder


Please check http://profile.imageshack.us/user/acid_saint



Edited by Jan_F_W
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Please use term "mission" instead of map - can be misleading. Oktnxbye.

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Hi there,

please download AH-6 Little Birds Big Battle V2


Please let me know what you think about this arcade map.

In order to play you need the Little Birds Mod by Cyborg (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74856)


Edited by Jan_F_W

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